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  HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]: 
Providing help for strays

Dumping waste on Soi 17

An animal shelter is possible here

I.nternet S.lowest P.rovider

Too many relatives

Tongue firmly in cheek

Police bars and farang bars different?

Valentine wish

A vote for King Taksin

Providing help for strays

Dear Sir,

In reply to Jing’s letter “Life of a Stray” in Pattaya Mail February 4, I agree with some of her sentiments. But definitely not all. Yes everyone is aware that this is the land of smiles. Many people are familiar with the precepts of Buddhism, not to take life and to display loving-kindness. Some also may have noticed that most butchers and slaughter house workers are of religions other than Buddhist, some Moslems, some are Chinese. The point that Mr. Keith was attempting to make in his January letter of “No Compassion for Animals” was that it appeared to him that the average Thai does not generally extend that compassion and loving-kindness to animals.

Mr. Keith’s idea of an animal refuge here is a great one and certainly not drivel. I believe he did not propose ‘rounding up strays off the street’ but rather form a shelter to take in any unwanted, injured and ill strays. Give them rabies and distemper injections, vet treatment and neutering before offering them for adoption / sponsorship or release where suitable. Similar to the Handicap Animals shelter in Bangkok that was featured in last week’s Pattaya Mail story, “Who Cares.”

Mr. Keith made the remark about all animals, not just dogs, and their treatment is a reflection of the society in which they live. He is indeed practising what he preaches and was instrumental in starting an appeal for all mangy and maimed animals here. I for one thoroughly endorse this idea. And I will pledge 2000 baht a month to a refuge organization here, not a lot, but if we can get some others to do the same it will help.

I am happy to help in any other way, printing flyers, web page design. I am really pleased that some people have decided to do something at last. Count me in and thank you,

Rob <>

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Dumping waste on Soi 17

Dear Pattaya Mail,

I have been wanting to write a letter to your newspaper for a while and finally got enough nerve to do so. I recently moved to Pattaya from Koh Samui where I had been living for almost four years. I was astounded to see both sides of a main road (Soi 17) in the city used as a dumpsite. I have been involved with environmental challenges in Samui and we have created some great answers to environmental challenges like waste management by getting the community involved with local government. Does anyone notice this area or does anyone really care?

One solution would be to consolidate the area and make the area capable of accepting waste intentionally. If containers or holding cells were used, for example, a scheduled pick up could be initiated which would keep the area relatively clean. It is not uncommon also to find the whole area around Suk Sabai Villa engulfed with plastic fumes from burning trash in this area. Any suggestions? e-mail - [email protected]

Tom Rossetti

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An animal shelter is possible here

Dear Sir,

Through the Mailbag page, I would like to thank the Pattaya community for their response to the suggestion of forming an Animal Refuge Society. Having lived here for two years I thought I was the only person who noticed the appalling animals here. I hasten to add I am not an animal nut or collector, but I just cannot bear cruelty and suffering if there is something that can be done to help.

After appealing to the community for expressions of interest and help in any way they could, I am touched that people DO care. One organization has pledged 2000 baht a month and local vet Dr. Nop, has offered his services, as have others their time and expertise.

What a welcoming beginning. The idea of a refuge is a temporary holding facility where animals can be given much needed vet care, then spayed and released or adopted or fostered out if suitable. The concept is large; it needs a lot of organizing and community support before it will even get off the ground. The great thing is that here is something everyone can contribute towards, be that time, care, brainstorming, networking, fundraising or whatever it takes. Perhaps we could call it P.A.W.S. (Pattaya Animal Welfare Society)?

Last month I visited a refuge for animals in Bangkok that proved the concept will work here - if we want it to. Surely we can set up a small home and away station here! We still need more people to be involved before we set up the first meeting. Please help. Reply to [email protected] or dedicated fax (038) 231675. Let’s get this show on the road.

Mirin MacCarthy

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I.nternet S.lowest P.rovider

Dear Editor,

In answer to the article of 28/01 “Not liking any local ISP”. I have the same experience with Loxinfo as the writer of that article, but mine is even worse. I also receive a lot of junk mail and Loxinfo can’t solve the problem. So if I receive mail from other people who did not send me any mail, I ask myself “who receives my mail also?” I’ve complained several times about this problem and I have sent the mail-header in order to correct this problem, already 20 times but nobody seems to be able to correct this problem.

Also their connection speed is very low. I know my settings are fine. The problem is that most ISP ‘s are overburdened.

The 56k number (258000) is mostly not accessible; if you’re lucky (1 in 50 times) you get connected. I’ve complained about that also but I get no answer from Loxinfo. So now I want some compensation for the lost time because I have bought 50 hours and the only (poor) connection is at the 28k line.

If there are more people with the same problem, send an email to [email protected] with subject Quality Loxinfo. I will forward all those emails to them so they can’t say, “Everything here works fine”. Together we’re strong.

Yours faithfully,

Herman Puts

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Too many relatives

Dear Ed,

It’s almost time for me to stuff my kit-bag full of fake Rolex’s, sweat shirts and football kit, and head back to the icy wilderness of Kent for a couple of months. One last letter though.

Many times have I read all about the best eating places in Pattaya, and duly oblige by trying most of them out when in town. Most definitely the best tip was Lungsawai (my wife’s spelling) at the far end of Jomtien.

I must offer my tip now for anyone visiting Surin. Situated on its own lake by the banks of the vast Hoy Sanang Reservoir, one discovers the delightful Chinam eating palace. Each table, whatever the size is situated within its own floating straw hut. All of these individual restaurants have their own toilets and washrooms, and if one so desires, one can even retire to a rest room for a snooze after a hearty meal. There are no seats as such, just mats and cushions, but a chair will be brought for you if required. The only drawback is that the menu is only in Thai, but then what do you expect in Thailand?

I entertained one of my numerous relatives’ weddings recently, and invited the bride, groom and a handful of friends to the restaurant for a slap up wedding feast afterwards. The nine of us ate and drank our fills, the food was excellent and the service wonderful. The cost of my moment of generosity? A mere 1,060 baht. Which brings me to my second subject.

I mentioned that this was a wedding party, one of the many I have attended over the years I have been married (all concerning relatives). When my father died ten years ago, all my mother had left was me and my younger sister. I wonder if the dear old soul realises that now she is related to half of Thailand, a good few Cambodians, a splattering of Laotians, as well as various Swedes, Germans, Swiss, Austrians and most likely a couple of Eskimo’s, Arapaho Indians, Lapps and the odd Nigerian or Maori. Funny old world we live in.

Martin J. Knapp

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Tongue firmly in cheek

Dear Sir,

I have followed the correspondence consequent upon Mr Ian Macfoggert’s 20 Questions to you and I feel compelled also to reply.

Implicit in Mr Macfoggert’s questions is a vicious attack upon the integrity, honesty and charm of the majority of the Thai people and I hope my experience can help put the record straight.

I visited Pattaya for the first time in December and on my last nights stay there I took a stroll along Beach Road. I met a charming (and may I say most attractive) young local lass nicknamed Skampy. I immediately had a great rapport with Skampy and as we strolled along the beachfront Skampy introduced me to many of her friends who were equally charming, courteous and affectionate.

Unfortunately a bit later that evening I discovered that I had lost 3500 baht from my back pocket. I think I dropped it when speaking with Skampy and her friends. Fortunately Skampy was not only sympathetic to my plight but insisted to accompany me back to my hotel to make sure all my valuables were in my room.

Regrettably my misfortune continued as in the morning I discovered a further 6000 baht missing. I had slept heavily that night and so it seems had Skampy.

I was leaving as I had to be at the airport in a few hours. Once again however luck returned to me as Skampy promised to report the matter to the hotel and the police, she refused to take any “reward” for all her help and even arranged a baht taxi to take me to the bus station.

Do your readers not agree I was blessed to meet such a charming and unselfish person as Skampy?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Seplestein

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Police bars and farang bars different?


Last Friday evening they closed all the bars in Sois 2/7/8/9 and a lot more in the rest of the town. I heard it was because of the elections, and they were not allowed to serve any kind of alcohol. We all understand some Thai rules that are to be followed, but if you’re not noticed, how in God’s name can we know what’s happening? Some people had to pay fines up to 20,000 baht without knowing what’s going on. This is ridiculous, but the worst part was all the bars owned by police officers or other bigwig people stayed open. Don’t we all pay taxes and follow the rules? Can somebody explain to me that kind of embarrassment to avoid more of these kinds of problems in the future?

Concerned tax paying expat

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Valentine wish

Dear Editor,

My partner Steve and our friends Philip, Kevin, Andy and Vicky are all regular visitors to Pattaya. We come in May and November as we enjoy the resort and its warm and friendly people. So every Friday we log on to see what is happening, so we don’t miss out on anything. So as a surprise would it be possible for you to wish my partner a happy valentine on the 14th February and tell him I love him dearly. His name is Steve O’Kane.


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A vote for King Taksin

Dear Editor,

Whilst I heartily agree with the choice of Khuns Fassbind, Thappajug and Fr. Ray as millennial personages, surely poor old King Taksin could at least have had a mention. He reputedly founded the place after all.

Chuck Pringle

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  Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail  
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It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be given to those signed.