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HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Family Money: Planning makes Dollars and Sense
The Computer Doctor

Successfully Yours: Captain Rangsimun Vijitthomrong
Snap Shots: Making your photographs pay!
Modern Medicine: Eye, Eye, Sir!

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Dining Out: Japanese Corner - Sokitoomi
Animal Crackers: Alpacas
Down The Iron Road: Automatic Train Control Systems
Woman’s World

Family Money: Plainning makes Dollars and Sense

By Leslie Wright

There is a very simple formula for getting rich and staying rich. Spend less and save more.

One way to achieve this is by tithing the family’s income. In effect, making a firm commitment with your spouse to set aside and save a certain percentage of your gross income, come what may.

The amount of course has to be realistic. Not too much to beggar the family, but not too little as to be meaningless. Most financial planning experts would say that a meaningful amount is at least 10% and preferably around 15%-20% of the family’s total income, after taxes but before any other expenditures.

Keeping a reserve

The most important financial consideration for any family is cash flow. For most households, the month-to-month family budget is fairly easy to manage. You know pretty well - within a narrow band - what your rent, food, utility & phone bills and transportation will cost.

However, a change of circumstances or a family emergency may arise which results in a sudden need for more than the “usual” amount of cash.

To allow for such unexpected eventualities, a cash reserve to last at least six months should be kept in the form of accessible interest-bearing bank deposits, or in money funds that have similar high liquidity and can be accessed without penalty.

Retirees here have to show local bank deposits of at least Bt.800,000 if they’re over 55 but under 60, and Bt.250,000 if they’re over 60, to renew their annual retirement visa. (But the new banking rules may interfere somewhat with this formerly simple process.)

This cash deposit is regarded as adequate cash reserve to cover the visa applicant’s living expenses for the coming year - although some readers may spend more and others less than this in any given year, depending on their lifestyle and circumstances. (And of course assuming that our friendly local banks continue to allow retired foreign residents to maintain a local bank account at all.)

Over the long term, stocks & shares have a higher potential for gain than cash; but are more volatile in the short term. So it is inadvisable to invest this cash reserve in stock market ventures, because when you need the cash the shares may be worth less than you bought them for.

Stock market-related investments - or, more appropriately for most people, funds which invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks - should therefore be regarded as for the longer- rather than shorter-term, and should only be considered after shorter-term needs are adequately provided for.

The ‘What if?’ factor

If you have a family, you should consider the ‘What if’ factor. This means thinking about what would happen to them if something happened to you.

If you were out of work tomorrow, how would they survive? Ensuring you have a cash cushion as outlined above is the answer.

But what if you were squashed by one of the over-laden trucks that we see hurtling down the fast lane of Sukhumvit every day, driven by a young maniac high on bennies, anxious either to finish his delivery, get home to his wife & kiddies, or meet up with his mates or girlfriend for some sanuk?

If you were injured and unable to work, does your company offer any form of compensation that would provide your family with an adequate income until you were fully recovered? Most do not.

To try getting compensation from the truck driver is in most instances an exercise in futility. He will have fled the scene (assuming his truck even stopped after pranging you), and the truck company’s insurance may or may not cover you, but in any case could take months to sort out. In the meantime, the hospital bills have to be paid, and your family fed.

Worse, what would happen if your injuries were fatal? Some employers have employee compensation insurance; but this may only cover you for job-related injuries or death. Driving home after work or play may be exempted.

You don’t plan on having a road accident, but judging by the chalk marks on the roads around Pattaya - especially at weekends - it can happen all too often, even to the most experienced and careful drivers, and the results to your family could be disastrous.

Covering yourself

Similarly if you are taken ill and unable to work. Most employers’ healthcare schemes will only pay out for a limited period - if they cover you at all. But you could be taken ill with a serious ailment or chronic disease which could cost a small fortune in hospital bills, need months of outpatient care, and find yourself unable to work at the same level - if at all - thereafter.

These are morbid subjects that most people don’t like to think about. But they could be even more painful to your family’s financial health if not thought about at all.

It is advisable therefore to have an adequate amount of healthcare insurance, accident benefit insurance, and life insurance. You hope the premiums will be a waste of money - but if the need arises your family will be only too thankful that you had taken out proper coverage.

How much coverage

Generally speaking, life insurance coverage should be equal to five years’ family income.

People ask me: “Why five years?” The answer is that if you pass away, your family members who are left behind will have five years’ money without having to work. If, after five years, they don’t know how to survive, they should probably follow you to the next life.

However, if a person’s net worth is equal to five years’ insurance cover, then it’s perhaps unnecessary to take out a life-assurance policy, since life insurance in Thailand is comparatively expensive.

In the States, for instance, life-cover premiums are only about 25% of the average figure quoted for the same amount of coverage in Thailand.

As a goodly proportion of the local premium goes to the insurance agent, it may make better economic sense for people with sufficient means to put the money into a secure money-market account instead.

Financial freedom

Another important issue is how to manage one’s assets to achieve financial independence. This means that if you have enough money working for you, you can choose to stop working.

However, you either have to figure out yourself how much cash you would need, or ask your financial advisor to crunch some numbers for you to determine how much realistically would need to be accumulated to last you and your family for the rest of your days, taking inflation into account.

In the past, to be financially independent an average family living in Thailand needed to have liquid assets of about 20 million baht. Nowadays, however, 20 million baht might not be enough. This is because until fairly recently 20 million baht deposited in a bank could be expected to yield a net return of about 10% after tax - or about two million baht annually.

But as the net interest is now only 3-4%, the deposit would have to be tripled to achieve the same level of income. If you’re reliant upon bank deposits, you’d have to have accumulated capital in the order of 50-60 million baht - a significant figure and beyond most average investors’ scope.

A globally-diversified offshore portfolio could achieve the same figure for far less capital, since 10% average growth is the offshore ‘standard’ over the longer-term for a well-managed, medium-risk portfolio (although of course this will fluctuate from year to year - but then, so do bank interest rates).

Don’t be greedy

The next rule for family finance is to accumulate investments while not being too greedy.

Once more than a minimal level of assets has been reached, an appropriate investment strategy should be adopted that can change according to the investor’s age and family circumstances.

Young unattached people can afford to be aggressive in their investments. But once a young wage-earner starts a family, his day-to-day expenditure increases dramatically while his longer-term financial responsibilities to his family increase also.

His investment strategy has to take this into account, and perhaps needs revising to a somewhat more conservative stance.

Retired people should be even more conservative with their investments, as these typically have to produce an income-stream for the rest of their lives - and without the possibility of being ‘topped-up’ from employment earnings they’re no longer receiving.

Spreading the risk

Diversification of the portfolio should also be an important consideration; but this term is often misinterpreted.

Your family’s assets can be divided into four basic categories, the most obvious being land & house, and cash deposits. This is where many people’s financial planning or what they consider their “investment strategy” stops.

Once they have a roof over their head and some cash in the bank, many people don’t or won’t consider other forms of investment - often out of fear or ignorance of how these other investment classes work.

The third category, then, is various types of securities. Today, because of stock market volatility, bonds are viewed by many as more desirable than stocks & shares.

Commodities, futures & options, and forex trading are not for pensioners or the unsophisticated and should be viewed for what they are: quite risky and volatile investment classes. However, they can be useful if you understand how these non-correlated asset classes can be incorporated in an aggressive portfolio to work to your advantage.

The fourth category is valuables, including rare coins, stamps, jewellery and paintings, which unlike shares could hold their value during difficult times. But many people have a tendency to fall in love with their paintings, gold or diamonds, and may be reluctant to see them as part of their family’s investment portfolio, which can and should be cashed in when needed or the price is right.

Paradoxically, Thais seem more pragmatic about turning gold bracelets and necklaces into cold cash when needed (usually, in the case of many local lasses, the instant the giver has departed for the airport) than their Western counterparts, who tend to attach greater sentimental value to baubles and bangles, and are reluctant to liquidate them even when the necessity arises.

Tax planning and tax shelters can reduce expenses and thus enhance the net return on your investments. But that’s a whole other topic for another day. And as a wise man once said, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Leslie Wright is Managing Director of Westminster Portfolio Services (Thailand) Ltd., a firm of independent financial advisors providing advice to expatriate residents of the Eastern Seaboard on personal financial planning and international investments. If you have any comments or queries on this article, or about other topics concerning investment matters, contact Leslie directly by fax on (038) 232522 or e-mail [email protected]. Further details and back articles can be accessed on his firm’s website on

Editor’s note: Leslie sometimes receives e-mails to which he is unable to respond due to the sender’s automatic return address being incorrect. If you have sent him an e-mail to which you have not received a reply, this may be why. To ensure his prompt response to your enquiry, please include your complete return e-mail address, or a contact phone/fax number.

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The Computer Doctor

by Richard Bunch

From Gerry, Bang Saen: I have been a Chonburi KSC subscriber for the past 4 months and have had no problems until this week. When I click onto Internet Explorer 5.5 and go on line the first page that appears is a pornographic one named Karas Adult Playground. I have never subscribed to this kind of material and do not want it on my computer. Have you heard of this page and have other people had similar problems? How can I get rid of it? It appears every time I try to go on line. Hope you can help.

Computer Doctor replies: Gerry, I personally haven’t heard of this website, but with millions out there, it is hardly surprising. To answer your question though, when visiting some websites, pop-ups appear and it is feasible for one of these or a website visited to modify your default ‘home page’. The remedy for this is fortunately simple and since you are using Internet Explorer 5.5, go to Tools, Internet Options, then within the General tab, select Home page and either type in the URL of your preferred Home page or more simply select one of the presets from the buttons, Use Current, Use Default or Use Blank. Hopefully that should resolve your problem.

From Manao: I sometimes receive e-mails from spammers or even people sending the same e-mail to a circle of acquaintances. Nothing wrong so far, but what puzzles me is that my [user’s] name doesn’t appear after the “To...” following the “From...” Instead, the recipient is somebody I never heard of and that’s a single person; there is no list as it often occurs with bulk e-mails. One guy who sends me regular newsletters never uses the same recipient’s name to e-mail me (I never dared to ask him). So my question is: how do they send me a message bearing the name of another recipient? Do they link my e-mail address to his name?

Recently, I wanted to defragment my hard disk (physical drive) using the system tools: it starts like it’s running but after 15 minutes, it’s still “0% complete”, and if I click on “Show Details”, the enlarged window is desperately blank. Any idea on why it doesn’t start defragmenting?

Before switching my computer on, if I forget to take out the floppy disk from its drive, the systems starts as if there was no floppy inserted, when it should stop and warn me to take it out. I don’t know much about computing (as you can see) but I read somewhere that you can configure this by going into the Setup before the system starts (at one [early] stage it reads: “Press Delete if you want to Setup”.) So what should I change in the Setup to fix this “abnormality”? Thanking you in advance

Computer Doctor replies: In answer to your first question, there are many bulk e-mail programs available today, and most have various options with regards to personalization, etc. It really is impossible to answer your question fully. If you really are that interested, go back to one of the senders and pose the question.

With regards to the defragmentation issue, I am assuming you are operating Windows 98 and possibly a reasonable sized hard disk. If this is the case then this is a recognised bug for which there is a fix available at Microsoft’s website. The simplest option is to run Windows Update, which you should find in the Start Menu.

And finally in order to address your floppy preference, yes you will need to modify the BIOS by entering set-up, so do press Del on boot and then from within the options that are presented (different manufactures have different layouts) find the boot sequence and select something like C only or C then A.

Send your questions or comments to the Pattaya Mail at 370/7-8 Pattaya Second Road, Pattaya City, 20260 or Fax to 038 427 596 or E-mail to [email protected]. The views and comments expressed within this column are not necessarily those of the writer or Pattaya Mail Publishing.

Richard Bunch is Managing Director of Action Computer Technologies Co., Ltd. providing professional information technology and Internet services which includes custom database and application development, website design, promotion and hosting, domain name registration, turnkey e-commerce solutions, computer and peripheral sales service and repairs, networks (LAN & WAN) and IT consulting. For further information, please e-mail [email protected] or telephone/fax 038 716 816 or see our website

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Successfully Yours: Captain Rangsimun Vijitthomrong

Police Captain Rangsimun Vijitthomrong comes across as a happy man. He is the Sub-inspector of the Pattaya Tourist Police and just loves his job. Even after working six days a week, you can often find him at work helping on his day off. When I first met him and began talking about his job his eyes lit up, and with a big beaming smile he said, “I enjoy helping many people. It’s a job that makes me smile and help and enjoy all at the same time. It’s sanuk.” When I asked him directly why this was so, he replied with a typical Thai response, “Because when I help someone I feel happy. It makes me feel good inside to have a good heart, sabai jai.”

Good heart or not, the rise of this policeman through the ranks has not been all sanuk. Captain Rangsimun has become no stranger to hard work. Born the eldest of five children, he even interrupted his schooling to help his parents support the younger children. After then completing high school himself, he joined the regular police force and studied to obtain an MA in Law, all done while working in the police force.

He took his MA at Thammasat University while working at Don Muang Airport, a posting he found he thoroughly enjoyed. As a young man in 1980, he was a private in police patrol units in Bangkok for three years while continuing his police studies. He was rewarded for this hard work in 1983 when he was promoted to police constable in the traffic police. This was not a posting where he then sat back to enjoy the pickings, but one where he worked and studied for four more years.

Then, following six months’ more study, he was again promoted, this time to lieutenant, and he transferred over to the tourist police. In this new role, he worked in Phitsanulok for two years. I asked him why the change of direction? “The work is more enjoyable. Generally, you are not dealing with a lot of crime and you have much more opportunity to be of help and service to people and improve the tourists’ image of Thailand at the same time.” The emotion that came through with these words was very obviously one of pride in his country and its international reputation.

After Phitsanulok he was sent to a more tourist oriented location - Koh Samui, for one year. “That was a lot of fun too. Koh Samui is a lot like Pattaya,” he said and laughed. However, he had not spent the time lazing on the beach - there was hard work and study to do, which he completed, ending up coming to Pattaya two months ago as another promotion to a three star captain, truly a man on his way up.

So what does a sub-inspector in the tourist police have to do in Pattaya? In his day-to-day job Captain Rangsimun is responsible for a patrol unit of six officers and an area covering nine nearby provinces including Pattaya, Chonburi, Rayong, Samut Prakan, Nakhon Nyoke and Pratchinburi.

The Captain’s plans for the future are currently to stay here and keep on doing more of the same. “I like it here very much. I want to help people, and especially tourists who come to Thailand and want to stay in Pattaya. I think it is very important for Thailand. I like to give good service and help as much as I can.” Mind you, you cannot help thinking that Captain Rangsimun would like wherever he was sent. He appears to be the sort of person who is continually happy, laughing and positive and would find the best features in any location.

Still a relatively young man, his hobbies tend towards the physical, and probably represent a welcome break from the rigours of study. In his free time he plays football with the Pattaya Tourist Police team, swims or exercises.

The most important values to Captain Rangsimun, and something he says he will teach his own children, are, “To work hard and study hard and to be a good person. Have a good attitude, and being of help and service is very important to your life.”

His definition of success is also similarly inclined towards the better side of life and living. “Being successful does not mean having heaps of possessions, but rather having a good life with a good family and a good son.” This is one area of his life for which hard work and study does not necessarily bring rewards. Ladies please take note, our captain is currently single and lor maak (handsome) and not engaged. The good captain is highly eligible, but before the queue forms outside the tourist police offices on Pattaya Second Road, do remember that he is also a dedicated career police officer.

His advice to the farangs who wish to set up in business here is short but extremely appropriate, “Consult a lawyer.” From this man of the sabai jai, this advice comes not just straight from the horse’s mouth and years of study. That is the voice of experience telling you to make sure you do work within the law!

Captain Rangsimun is an outstanding example of a happy, positive, and intensely proud Thai man who just loves his work. He almost makes me wish I was younger and single myself.

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Snap Shots: Making your photographs pay!

by Harry Flashman

One of the best photography books Harry Flashman ever purchased was entitled “Shooting your way to a $million. A photographer’s strategy for success” by Richard Sharabura, Chatsworth Books Canada. ISBN 0-919099-00-9.

Now before you rush down to Bookazine - it is out of print, though local photographer Ernie Kuehnelt managed to get a copy through However, there are other ways of making the magic million dollars - and one of those is photo contests.

Schoolgirls in the wind by Steve Ringman

Steve Ringman, a photojournalist from Seattle, just became a millionaire with the photo shown with this week’s article. Steve entered a contest called the “Million Dollar Moment” promoted by a group called and came away with the big prize. Lucky Steve time!

Now while his shot is good and amusing, well exposed and all the rest, it is really no better than many of the shots I have seen stuck on darkroom walls in newspaper offices all over the world. That shot is what any worthwhile photo-editor would expect from a staff photographer. Harry has also seen equally as good shots in countless amateur’s photo albums. If you are interested, the 80 finalists can be seen if you go to the website where you will be able to judge for yourself.

Harry remembers the first photo contest he ever entered was run by a motorcycle shop, so immediately combined feminine glamour with a large motorcycle. You know the sort of thing - bouncy babe with bountiful bazookas on a big bike. Had to win. Come judging day, and the lady city councillor who had been asked to judge the contest chose a picture of a baby in a pram in a park. Rule number one - when entering photo contests find out first who the judges are going to be. It probably is more important than the technical brilliance of the shots you send in! And certainly should influence your choice of subject matter!

It was interesting looking through the 80 finalists - there were some stunningly good colour shots amongst them, with vibrant colours dragging your eye to the subject matter - but the one that got the gold was a newspaper style Black and White shot. Just in being different will always attract attention, and I do believe there is a resurgence in B&W all over the world.

Of course, B&W really does belong in the realms of the darkroom. This is a province where you can be your own Ansel Adams (see Vol VIII No. 31) and manipulate your prints until you get precisely the image, or effect that you want. However, it does take time and you get a lot of chemicals on your trousers.

There are now B&W films that can be developed in the usual C41 (colour film soup) chemicals, and as such can go into the standard photo processors one hour machines. The end result is still, however, somewhat “iffy” and tends towards Blue and White rather than Black and White. However, that should not deter you from running a roll through the camera one weekend. Taking shots in B&W makes you think more about lighting and contrast, rather than just relying on the green car showing up against the blue sky.

If you pretend to yourself that every shot you are going to take is to enter into a photo competition, then you will start to give each shot just a little more time in the setting up. Instead of saying later when you get the prints back, “I should have left more of the building in” you will look more critically through the viewfinder at the time and correct the viewpoint before popping the shutter.

The other factor is to be on the lookout for the different shots that can appear in front of you. Keep your camera handy for that time. It could be the shot of a lifetime!

Remember that one photographer in Seattle just got one million dollars for his shot, which really was f8 and be there! The photojournalists’ creed.

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Modern Medicine: Eye, Eye, Sir!

by Dr Iain Corness

One question I have often been asked is whether doctors treat themselves, or go to see other doctors like a regular patient? Some people actually think that it is against the law for us to treat ourselves. So what is the real situation?

Well firstly, it is against the law in most countries for doctors to write out prescriptions for themselves for drugs of addiction, for example. An antibiotic is not a problem, though; however, most doctors have an adequate supply of samples not to need to write a prescription anyway.

The vexed question is self diagnosis and treatment. Can a doctor adequately diagnose conditions in him or herself? The answer is generally yes, provided that the doctor can properly examine him or herself. The thought of trying to check myself for piles, for example, is ludicrous, as would be trying to check the back of my head for subcutaneous scabies - and I don’t want either of them, thank you.

The thoughts about all this came the other day after I found another condition I could not treat in myself - a ripe red rip-roaring red eye. Awakening one morning with a painful eye, I found it impossible to try and prise my eyelids open to actually look into my eyes to do the diagnosis. Never the less, I gave it a good go, well rather an educated guess is the correct answer and purchased some antibiotic eye drops at the local chemist down the road. They weren’t the ones I wanted, but were what he had. That was good enough.

But it wasn’t. By the next day I had an eye that looked as if it had done ten rounds with Mike Tyson, but checking my ears showed no evidence of injury so that diagnosis was incorrect. So it was time I pocketed my pride and visited a doctor! Luckily my friend Dr. Somchai, the ophthalmologist, was on duty at the hospital and he examined my eye using the latest slit lamp equipment and he delivered the bad news - I had a viral conjunctivitis, so antibiotic drops were quite useless (but I had worked that out already)!

Dr. Somchai also told me the even better news that 90% of these go into the other eye as well. This I do not relish, as I can assure you that from my side of my eyeball, it is a very painful condition. If I get it in both eyes it will be a case of attempting to train my wife’s three month old puppy to be a seeing eye dog in ten minutes, or painting my dear old Mum’s walking stick white. Surgical antiseptic techniques are now the go. Scratch left eye with left hand only and then wash hands - surgical scrub. Rub right (good) eye with right hand only and wash hands again. Even if it does nothing to halt the disease, I’m going to have the cleanest hands in town!

More next week.

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Dear Hillary,

A few weeks ago you wrote that it was not a good idea for ladies of breeding to go shopping, but that they should wait at home and have the goods brought to them. Have you any idea what this has meant? Now my daughter refuses to go to the shops and pick up a couple of bottles of Leo because she thinks it is not lady-like. How do I convince her that they don’t deliver beer in the som tum carts?

Leo lover

Dear Leo lover,

Life’s a bitch some days, that’s for sure! Have you tried Chang instead? If you’d like to make that French champagne, then Hillary will pick it up for you, in return for a slurp or several. Really the answer is for you to stop being a couch potato and get your own beer. I suppose you send your wife out to get your cigarettes too. Men!

Dear Hillary,

I’m your fan. Now I’ve got a problem. I have my own house but no man. I need someone to talk to, someone to be good friend. I like Farang but it seems like they don’t need a good girl. I love to cook. I am a professional, but just don’t have time to go around and look for a man. I’m 48 years old, but many said, “I look just like 35 years old.” If you know someone who is a good and kind man, please let me know. Would you help me about this? If they want to be my friend, ok, we can exchange stuff. If they want to meet me they can ask you. Thank you for your kindness.

Sincerely Yours,

Ms. T

Dear Ms T,

You’ve got a problem honey. The line-up of good and kind men is fairly small round these parts, and the queue to get a crack at the good looking ones starts behind Hillary I’m afraid. However, I have printed your letter, and if I get any response, I will pass it on. Don’t sit by the phone too long though.

Dear Hillary,

I am distraught! You have given me advice on two occasions already and I have followed it to the letter every time. When you said last time that I should let Squirrel have more freedom at nights and I should stay in more, then I did it, didn’t I? And now see what has happened - my darling squirrel ran off with the cat next door who used and abused her and discarded her lifeless body at my back door the next morning. Hillary, I demand an apology and insist you publish a photo of Squirrel, because I am just so upset.


Dear Distraught,

You poor dear! Please don’t feel catty towards Hillary, I feel like a rat already, and I wasn’t trying to make a bunny out of you either. Hillary wasn’t lion when she said you had a problem, Petal. Aaaahhh this is too much! Here’s your picture, cut it out and put it in a frame over the mantelpiece - but just remember that Hillary warned you these mixed marriages often don’t work. It’s hard enough trying to get men and women to stay together!

Dear Hillary,

How do the local girls eat fried cockroaches? I see great carts of them, along with beetles and scorpions. Surely they can’t be good for them?


Dear Amazed,

Actually it isn’t good for them - because they have been killed by the time you see them on the carts, which doesn’t do much for the creepy crawlies at all, I’m sure. However, if you were talking about the girls, they eat them very easily. Generally it is just a case of opening the mouth and popping it in, Poppet. They’re good at it. Our girls thrive on the little creatures. I am led to believe that scorpions in particular are reputedly good for the blood. By the way, they are not cockroaches, darling - they are actually water beetles! Try one.

Dear Hillary,

Do people really write in with all these ridiculous questions? The one about the potpourri user on the way to the 7-11 must have been made up, surely.


Dear Philistine,

Why was her question any more ridiculous than yours? If people are good enough to ask for Hillary’s advice, the least Hillary can do is to answer their queries. In answer to your question - do people write in? They do. They also fax and they email. Now, if you’re satisfied, Hillary will get on with the real work of helping genuine old ladies across the road to the 7-11. Do you want anything while I’m down there, Petal?

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Unexpected answer
A farang tourist has had a medical insurance claim questioned after underwriters spotted something odd in the submitted reports. Following a minor road accident in Pattaya Nua, tourist Herbert Galsworthy was rushed by paramedics, all sirens screaming, to a local hospital. On the way, he was asked if he was unconscious and apparently replied, “No, I am ****ing dead”. A spokeswoman for Hotline Premium World Insurance said, “The paperwork is not in order. There is an obligation on claimants to tell the truth whether they are able to do so or not.” Mavis Galsworthy said the whole episode was rather puzzling as her husband was totally uninjured in the incident.

Stick from Russia
In the sustained crackdown to keep South Pattaya free of illegal sex shows and prostitution, five more Russian women have been deported for nude dancing on stage and beckoning likely looking customers with a black object which looked suspiciously like a whip. Ringleader Yussova Ngornavitch, known locally in the strip as Bearded Betty, said the deportations were both unfair and unnecessary. “We were just tourists helping out without pay. The black stick used in the show was merely to point out to the bartenders which customers wanted another drink.” A representative of Air Moscow confirmed the five women had left on Monday’s flight but could not confirm the whereabouts of any stick or whip.

Hope for cable viewers

In a determined attempt to clip the wings of leading satellite company UBC, whose subscriber base is mostly in Bangkok, Thailand’s sixty or so cable TV companies have formed an alliance to buy commercially attractive programs from abroad such as Turner Classic Movies, CNN and Star Sports. The strange thing is, of course, that these very same channels are currently being shown by some cable operators up and down the realm. But they have not started paying for them yet. If they ever do abandon piracy, expect the typical cable rental rates of 300 - 400 baht a month to zoom upwards.

Finest Thai Food
GEOC (Grapevine Eating Out Collective), a humble grouping and not to be confused with the professional gourmet writer in this newspaper Miss Terry Diner, this week made a surprise visit to Somsak Restaurant in Soi One. What a delightful place this really is. A great ambience, great food and a great welcome from Khun Somsak himself. The Penang curries just cannot be bettered and nothing is too much trouble if you have a special request such as vegetarian options, or if you can remember a dish but can’t track the name on the menu. Very good coffee and the house favorite of fried ice cream will conclude a fine Thai dining experience. As an extra bonus, produce your Pattaya Sports Club membership card for a special discount.

Shoes news
Thailand, let alone Pattaya, hasn’t yet cracked the problem of stylish shoes in men’s big sizes, i.e. the sort you want to wear on a posh evening out or to attend a meeting. Reader VS passes on the hint that Marks and Spencer, for example in Central Department Stores in Bangkok, now have black and brown dress shoes up to size 12 or Euro 47. So, if you’re really desperate and down at heel, a special journey to the Big Mango is a distinct possibility. A great pity that neither Lotus, nor other Pattaya megastores, seem to be stocking sizes bigger than Euro 44. VS adds that Marks and Spencer also have for sale a fair range of British potato crisps, biscuits, chocolate delights and tea bags. But expect to pay for the hefty import taxes.

The Bridge Club
A new cleaner quit her job in a US bridge club. “Yes, they pays good wages but it was the most ridiculous place I ever did work in. They plays a game called bridge and last night there was a lot of folks there. As I was about to bring in some refreshments, I heard a man say, ‘Lay down and show me what you got’. I nearly dropped the tray. Another man he says, ‘I got length but no strength’. Then a man says to a lady ‘Take your hand off my trick’. I pretty near dropped dead. Just then a lady says, ‘You jumped me twice when you didn’t have the strength for one raise.’ Another lady was talking about her honor. Well, I just got on my coat and hat and, as I was leaving, I hope to die if one of ‘em didn’t say, ‘Well I guess we’ll go home now. This is the last rubber.”

Mother of inventions
The following have all been patented and could be coming soon to your favorite store:

Artificial Spray On Dirt (fools people you’ve been hard at work)

The Two Potato Clock (time running out for this one)
Insecticide Pantyhose (repels interior crawling pests)
The Rat Bell (he rings it when hungry)
Bird Diaper (it speaks for itself)
Motorized Bar Stool (could be popular in Pattaya)
Racing Horse Spectacles (don’t bet on it)

Mr Keith corrected a Grapevine item about retirement visas in his letter published in Pattaya Mail on August 4. Just one thought Mr Keith. Once you have a non-immigrant visa, you don’t need to wait 90 days before applying at a Thai immigration office. You can start the ball rolling immediately, thus reducing the amount of time you will have to wait for approval.

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Dining Out: Japanese Corner - Sokitoomi

by Miss Terry Diner

There are not so many Japanese restaurants in Pattaya, which is surprising, looking at the number of Japanese tourists and the popularity of this type of food. However, it was not surprising to find that the Royal Cliff Beach Resort had its own Japanese corner, called simply The Japanese Corner in the Royal Cliff Grand.

With Madame being indisposed, the Dining Out Team of Miss Terry and this time a male companion descended (literally, as you go downstairs) into the Japanese world. The area has Japanese lanterns, natural wood furniture, black topped tables with a bonsai on each and a porcelain chopsticks rest and Japanese chopsticks, a lovely waitress in a kimono and waiters similarly attired in Japanese jackets. The atmosphere was right, if nothing else.

The menu is not large, but does encompass the range of different items expected in a Japanese restaurant. It begins with appetizers, all with their Japanese names and, thankfully, an English translation. These run in the 90-160 baht region with BBQ chicken skewers, deep fried marinated chicken or octopus, prawn salad and fresh soya bean.

The next section has the expected sashimi and sushi in small or large servings (around 180 baht small to 350 baht large) including raw fish, combination sushi, salmon roll and California cone roll.

Next up are five Teppanyaki choices (110-540 baht) from fried rice to chicken, sliced pork and fillet of beef.

The next section is well thought out, with four set menus for those who may be a trifle unsure of what to order, and in which order! Between 280-420 baht and you get salad, a main dish, Miso soup and fruit.

Finally there are nine a la carte dishes (110-390 baht) with several Teriyaki items, a couple of Tempura dishes and some rice dishes. A couple of desserts and that is it.

There is also the Royal Cliff’s cellar for wines, but on that evening we decided to go Japanese all the way, with hot Saki to go with our choices. Also on the table were a glass of cold water and hot Japanese tea.

We began with salmon roll sushi which was presented with the Wasabe and soy sauce dip. Miss Terry did her usual trick of smearing the Wasabe on the sushi - just love that aromatic kick in the back of the nose from the pungent green paste!

From there we progressed on to three very large and meaty chicken skewers, served with their own special soy sauce. Eating Japanese food is an ideal time to discuss business or any other topics. Small “bite sized” items and an ever replenished Saki container certainly helping to loosen up the conversation!

We next had the Miso soup - and it was excellent. One of the best! Deep fried prawns were next on our list, with a goodly number of very large prawns in a melting batter and another special soy sauce to go with them.

At that stage we were joined by the General Manager, Andrew Wood, who suggested the Teppanyaki fillet of beef. This came on a sizzling platter with carrots, cauliflower, baby corn and asparagus spears. The sauces to accompany this were three - a soy and chopped parsley, Miso sauce and a mayonnaise and herb. This was an inspired choice (or maybe he’s eaten there before!), the meat tender and for me, the parsley sauce just sensational! Thank you, Andrew.

Dining at the Royal Cliff is always a “royal” experience. In fact, as my dinner partner remarked, the service is almost too good. Nothing is ever out of place. One almost wishes the waitress would drop something just to show she was a mere mortal! At one stage in the evening, Miss Terry received a phone call - the phone being brought over placed on a napkin adorning a tray. Style, elegance and class, and I loved it. So will you, when you try the Japanese Corner. Just be careful with the Saki! It can be (was) lethal.

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Animal Crackers: Alpacas

by Mirin MacCarthy

The Alpaca, looking for all the world like a miniature furry giraffe, migrated to South America about three million years ago, after the last ice age, and took up residence in the Andean highlands. In actual fact, the Alpaca’s nearest family relations are the camel and the llama but they are only distant cousins and not the same animal. The llama is bigger and stronger, and weighing in twice as much at 150 kg, is used as a pack animal, while the Alpaca is bred for its soft cashmere-like fibre which was once reserved for Incan royalty.

The Alpacas were a cherished treasure for the ancient Incan Indians and played a central part in their culture. The Alpaca fleece is soft as cashmere but warmer, lighter and stronger than wool and it comes in many natural colours.

Far from being a wild animal, for about the last six thousand years the South American Indians of Peru, Bolivia and Chile have been domesticating the Alpaca’s ancestors - the wild Vicuna, into the present day small, gentle Alpacas. Now their popularity is becoming internationally recognized. Their fleece is favoured by spinners and weavers world wide for both the texture and the various colours of true non-fading black through to a brilliant white, with reds, roans, pintos, browns, fawns, rose and charcoal greys.

If you live in the country with grass that needs trimming, Alpacas make great pets. They have a life span of about 18 - 20 years, stand about one metre at the shoulder and a metre and a half at the head. They are good munchers and chew their cud like cows and sheep, but are very efficient and only need 2-3 bales of grass hay per month.

Alpacas are very gentle and curious and quickly become devoted to humans. They communicate with body language in a series of ear and tail positions, much like a cat, and make humming sounds that change to shrill alarm calls when threatened by predators.

They are also cute, safe, disease resistant, intelligent, and easy to train. In just four to five repetitions they will learn many skills such as accepting a halter, being led and loading into a van. Suitable for rearing in most climates, in very hot places such as here, yearly shearing is required as well as shade and misting or sprinkling. In very cold climates closed barns are recommended, but in most other places a three sided shelter is all that is necessary.

The breed is becoming popular with some hobby farmers who even run Alpacas as an investment. Apparently the average fibre production is 8 kg each year for an adult Alpaca, which sells in a clean washed state for approximately U.S.$8 per ounce or $512 per fleece. When you think about it, Alpacas may be the ideal outdoor lifestyle, stress free investment that you can ever hug!

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Down The Iron Road: Automatic Train Control Systems

by John D. Blyth


In earlier years, safety of train operation depended on correct work by the signalmen, who were progressively given more and more safeguards against errors they might make, and the driver, who, other than the need to observe and obey the line-side signals, were virtually unprotected; this caused many experimental devices to be tried out to give drivers some kind of audible warning or - especially - distant signals a ‘Caution’. The French had a system based on their use of the Flagman recorder and afterwards scrutinised - thus it was disciplinary rather than positive. The German ‘Indusi” system operates by an electric current, but other than that it makes a positive brake application. Little has been published on it. In Britain, a few systems were tried, before and after the 1914-1918 War, but one was adopted to any extent; this had been developed by the Great Western Railway and was eventually made very reliable and the railway’s safety record over a long period is evidence of its success.

The Great Western A.T.C. System

The system depended essentially on contact between a ramp fixed between the rails and a shoe on the underside of the locomotive. Ramps were usually laid about 200 yards to the rear of a distant signal, the arm of which, when moved to ‘off’ closed a switch causing electric current to pass through the ramp, which otherwise was ‘dead’. Passing over the ramp caused the shoe to rise a small amount, which operated an air horn and admitted air to the train pipe of the vacuum brake system, causing the brakes to be applied until lifting a cancelling handle by the driver stopped both actions. Current from an energised ramp at a clear signal rang a bell and prevented the brake horn sounding when the signal was ‘Clear’ - in all my years on the lines of that former company I knew of one, where the bell had sounded when the signal was at ‘Caution’ and this took some finding as it would not repeat the error ‘to order’, but did so about three weeks later and then it revealed its secret fault.

The main faults of this long-used system were twofold: one was that in cold weather, ice on the surface of the ramp could prevent the proper passage of current and brake applications would result where they should not; the second, uncorrected for years, was that the cancelling handle could be wedged in the ‘cancel’ position, which would take out of use all the safety features in the device. This was one more common than I like to think, but I am certain it wasn’t done during the night, nor during periods of fog, falling snow or heavy rain - in other words, bad visibility.

The Hudd System

This was developed on the Tilbury to Southend section, and was actually being installed on the Glasgow to Edinburgh line in 1939 when stopped by the war. It did not depend on contact between the track apparatus and that on the locomotive, but on magnetic action; much of the technology was like the Great Western, but it sounded a horn for both ‘Caution’ and ‘Clear’ indications and this was not favoured. No more work on either installation seems to have been carried after the war ended.

Progress on British Railways

Following the end of the war little was done for some time on A.T.C., due to lack of money. Public demand arose after any serious accidents, but it was not until the terrible triple collision at Harrow, Middlesex, in October 1952, that it was plain that priority had to be given to a suitable and reliable train control system. Former Great Western men could see little wrong with their well-tried system, but others could see the difficulties with snow and ice on ramp and shoe, a problem even in the south of England, which would render the system unworkable for long periods of much more severe northern weather.

The Eastern Region of British Railways accordingly took the Hudd System and proceeded to develop it, using the main line from King’s Cross (London) to the north as a testing ground, and a system evolved, using permanent and electro-magnets to act from the track to the locomotive equipment. Approaching each Distant Signal was installed a permanent magnet, only energised when the Distant Signal was in the ‘Clear’ position; the two magnets were of opposed polarity, so that the second, when energised, cancelled out the effect of the first. Thus, with the signal at ‘Caution’ and the electro-magnet dead, the permanent magnet would initiate a warning sound and a brake application, whilst for a train moving at more than a slow speed, the action of the energised second magnet would cancel the brake and the horn and another circuit would ring a bell. An innovation was a visible reminder, a black disc when all was clear, but turning to yellow and black when the last indication had been passing of a signal at ‘Caution’.

This simple and not too expensive system was installed over hundreds of miles of British main line railways and the lives saved must be considerable. It survived the change-over from semaphore to four-aspect colour light signals, at first designed for maximum speeds of 90 mph maximum, but recent events show that with the norm on many main lines now being raised to 125 mph (and soon to 140 mph) the spacing of the signals, each with its own track equipment, is such that it is hard for drivers to cancel each warning - and to observe (just as important) each and every signal indication. A.T.C. - or A.W.S. as it is now called, is not a substitute for the line-side signals - it is an aid to the driver to locate and obey them.

Accidents will still happen, whatever we do. Some years ago the driver of an electric suburban train with no passengers was following a slower moving train of empty vans; each signal he passed gave him a warning on the A.W.D., which he duly cancelled as he should, but at some stage he stopped looking at the signals; too late to stop he realised the next one was at ‘Danger’ and he was too close to stop.

Some may recall the disaster to a Swansea-Paddington train at Southall, which ran at full speed through the middle of a train of empty goods wagons. This was a combination of circumstances: the A.W.S. had failed; there was supposedly no time to turn the train around, as it was in order at the other end; the driver was wrongly ordered to take it out in this faulty condition, and without a second man with him in the cab, he was probably going faster than the 100 mph permitted under the circumstances (which would have made very little difference). He failed to observe, unaided, some of a welter of signals, all of which he ought to have seen and found himself on top of the freight train and on the way straight through. It was a chapter of wrong decisions!

I’m sorry there are no pictures this week but this is not a spectacular subject; there will be some next week, after which we will leave signalling for a spell. I have a good article with much more detail than I can manage, by a good friend, Allan Garraway, who was much involved in development of A.W.S for B.R. Anyone interested is welcome to a copy for 15 baht in low value stamps. Write to me at P.O. Box 97, here in Pattaya.

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Woman’s World

by Lesley Warner

People often say to me, “How do you keep your nails so nice? Do you do them yourself?” Well the answer is yes, I do my own nails but I have to work at it; they aren’t naturally nice. Sometimes they flake or split and they’re very soft. I don’t have the time to go to one of the many good beauty salons that we have in Pattaya. So I have put together a few homemade nail and hand treatments you might like to try.

If you have short nails, don’t cut the middle, only cut the sides to make them look longer. File nails beginning on the sides and brushing towards the center, using light strokes. Don’t ever file nails back and forth, it will weaken or break the nails.

Don’t use your nails or blades to remove nail varnish, use only a good quality nail polish remover.

Try keeping your nail polish in the fridge to keep it smooth and only use thin coats to stop bubbling. Use a topcoat that contains an ultraviolet inhibitor to prevent pale polish from turning yellow. Make sure you wear a base coat under the polish to prevent yellow and stained nails. You could try vinegar as a base, to make your nail polish last a little longer on your nails.

Mix white iodine and castor oil in equal amounts and massage cuticles; it will help them to stay smooth.

To dry your polish faster, after approximately 30 seconds dip your fingers in cold water.

Mix 1 packet of unflavored gelatin with 1 tbsp of petroleum jelly, store in an airtight container at room temperature. Massage into nails daily to help them grow long and strong. Petroleum jelly is especially good for dry brittle nails; you can also try a waxy lip balm or vitamin E capsule. For shiny nails use olive oil.

Buff your nails to stimulate the circulation of blood, which feeds the nail bed. Buff in one direction only or nails become overheated.

Add a teaspoon of salt to half a glass of cold water and dip fingernails in this for 2 minutes. The salt helps to strengthen the nails. Rub olive oil into your cuticles to encourage nail growth. The oil and massaging action should promote strong healthy nails.

Wet fingertips with water and dip them into cornmeal. Massage and rinse with warm water. Buff nails with a nailbrush while rinsing to make sure you remove all the cornmeal. Dry thoroughly and apply hand cream.

For softening the cuticle, try 2-tbspn fresh pineapple juice, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 tspn vinegar, 1/2 tspn glycerin, and 1 tsp rosewater. Mix together and soak nails for 15 minutes. Any mixture left over can be kept in the fridge for next time.

Massage almond oil and sugar into your hands and leave for 5 minutes then wash off; your hands feel wonderfully soft. Alternatively, try mixing lemon juice, rosewater and fresh butter then massage into the hands.

Try lemon juice in barley powder and apply on finger joints to get rid of the darkness.

Mix 1 tbsp. of glycerin, 1 tbsp. of lemon juice and 5 drops of rosewater and store it in bottle. Massage this oil after your house work and wash after 30 minutes. It will keep your hands smooth.

Apply a thick layer of hand cream before applying rubber gloves then wash your dishes in hot water. The heat will make the hand cream soak in and your hands will feel ultra soft.

Mash cucumber and massage your hands with it and wash off after 10 minutes.

If your hands are black, mix turmeric in olive oil and massage to hands and wash with basin flour or mild soap.

If your elbows are dark and hard, mix glycerin with lemon juice and apply on elbows. It will remove the darkness and keep elbows smooth.

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Where are some of the cheapest and best places in Pattaya to eat breakfast? In some ways this is a bit of a misnomer. Considering most ex-pats and the vast majority of tourists seem to develop nocturnal habits when in Fun City, most of the time ‘Breakfast’ is actually closer to Lunch. That is, by the time punters have awoken from their slumbers ready to meet yet another day in paradise, the sun is high in the sky and the early birds are already lining up tomorrow’s worms.

A personal favourite is Seaside 2 in Soi Chaiyapoom. They do a breakfast called the ‘Full House’ that consists of a mug of tea or coffee, two pieces of toast, two eggs any style, bacon, fried potatoes, fried tomato and either sausages or baked beans for just 65 baht.

The Shamrock (Pattayaland Soi 2) has a popular breakfast of tea or coffee, two pieces of toast, two eggs, bacon, mushrooms and fried potatoes for 60 baht.

On a more basic front, Cafe Amsterdam (next door to BJ’s at the northern end of Beach Road) does two fried eggs, toast, bacon and tea or coffee for a measly 45 baht while The Waffle in Soi Day-Night 2 (down the road from the Flamingo Hotel) does the same, plus a glass of orange juice, for a miserly 50 baht.

In the Hot Spots: Just when I thought I’d found the most ridiculously priced Lady Drinks in town (at 110 baht in the boozers beside the Pier) I received a message that no less than three beer boozers in Soi 7 and Soi 8 were allegedly snipping the wallets of customers who purchased Lady Drinks for the princely sum of 120 baht. Unless the elixir is served chilled in a crystal goblet and accompanied by former members of the Vienna Boys Choir singing a medley of classical tunes while acrobats jump naked through lighted hoops, I’d have to say you’d be crazy to purchase a Lady Drink. However, on a personal inspection I was told that the Lady Drinks in these bars are 95 baht (still on the hefty side) but that cocktails range between 120 and 150 baht. In other words, if you offer the girl of your dreams a Lady Drink and she comes back bearing a glass filled with multi-coloured giggle juice topped by a garish umbrella then I suggest you look elsewhere for female company because she’s going to cost you a fortune.

Seen Around Town: The Jan Bar, run by the Aussie duo of Roundy and Bob, has been around for about nine years and, apart from its famous T-Shirt, one of its trademarks is a liver destroyer called the Dingo’s Dropkick. Not your ordinary shooter, this lethal concoction consists of equal parts of Baileys, Creme de Menthe and Jagermeister. Just writing about it is enough to give me a hangover. Not recommended for the faint-hearted. Quaff one of these and you’ll feel like you’ve been mugged by a pack of rabid Dingo’s.

Living in Thailand: Despite claims to the contrary, contracts written in English are valid in Thailand.

In the Hot Spots: The New Sexy 2001 (Walking Street) has been open for a couple of weeks now and is definitely the place to go if you are a spirits drinker, as Vodka and Gin are priced at 69 baht. Lady Drinks are 90 baht while bottles of the amber fluid go off at 95 baht. The latter two are fairly standard prices for South Pattaya. It’s nice to see a den that wants to attract the spirit imbibers instead of the amber fluiders for a change.

In the Hot Spots: With many of the ladies who generally work nocturnal hours being adept at picking up the basics of the English language and thereby capable of following many conversations, the last bastion for the native English speaker to cover his tracks in mixed company is by the use of colloquialisms and slang. One of the best I’ve heard is the use of ‘Sierra Tango’ to refer to bars where a ‘short time’ is the preferred mode of conducting business with the female staff.

My e-mail address is: [email protected]

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