Elfi Seitz
The Pattaya International Ladies Club celebrated a
festive Christmas luncheon at the Royal Cliff Grand Hotel’s ballroom.

President Anja Schoof welcomes the ladies.
President Anja Schoof welcomed the ladies to the Dec. 7
event before children from the Regent School took the stage to entertain the
crowd with song and colorful dance. Orphans from Baan Jing Jai and Ban
Prakhum also showed off their dancing and singing talent.
No Christmas lunch would be complete without an
appearance from Santa, who led all the ladies in holiday carols. A raffle
raised 22,000 baht.
The buffet provided by the Royal Cliff under the watchful
eyes of executive chef Walter Thenisch, again was much enjoyed, with turkey,
cookies and cakes finding many fans.

from Baan Jing Jai and Ban Prakhum
show off their dancing and singing talents.

your glasses for a Christmas toast.

from the Regent’s School entertain the guests with their beautiful
renditions of Christmas carols.