this weekend as Thailand brings in the New Year. 2011 is upon us, and I hope it
will be a good year for you. And this week we go through what you have to do to
get a good fireworks shot.
Many photographers attempt to record these colorful displays,
but most end up with disappointing results. Here is how to do it properly!
The first item to attend to is the flash incorporated in your
camera. You have to turn it off! Most automatic cameras these days pop their
little flash heads up as soon as it gets dark, and flash settings are exactly
what you do not want in recording firework flashes. You may have to resort to
your instruction booklet to do this. It is amazing just how many camera owners
do not know how to turn on and off the various functions. As they say, “When all
else fails, read the instruction manual.”
The next item of equipment you need is a tripod. I have
written about these many times, but a good sturdy tripod is best. The light
aluminium jobs with thin spindly legs are easy to carry but don’t keep the
camera rock solid - which is what tripods have to do. You need a good heavy one
and even hang the camera bag from the central pole, just to stabilize the whole
shooting match even further. My own Manfrotto is around 20+ years old and has
never given any trouble. It is worth the extra expense to get a good one and it
will be with you forever.
Another piece of equipment is a cable release, and even
though not 100 percent needed, makes life much easier in this firework
The final piece in the equipment list is a piece of flat
black cardboard around 10 centimeters square. Matt black is best as it does not
reflect light (this is why most photographic equipment is matt black too). Get a
matt black spray can at the hardware shop and make your own card.
With an empty memory card in the camera (set the camera on
your usual 200 ASA or whatever will be fine, this exercise does not need
super-slow or super-fast ISO), let us now get to work. The first decision is
where you are going to park yourself, camera and tripod. Get away from others if
you can, as you do need to keep the camera still. Use a wide angle or even
standard lens and point the camera at the sky where the firework star-bursts
explode in the sky. Even wait for the first star-burst and lock the tripod with
the camera then in the correct position.
The way we are going to get the top shots is to record more
than one firework star-burst on one piece of film. This is how the pros get all
those magnificent fireworks photographs. The trick is how!
Here comes the action. You are going to need something like
30 second exposures to get several star-bursts. Select “B” as the shutter speed
- popping the shutter button in this mode opens the shutter and keeps it open
until the button is released. Now you can see why the cable release is a good
idea, particularly ones that you can lock in the depressed position.
With the cable release in your left hand and the matt black
card in your right, you are ready. When the rocket goes up, open the shutter. As
the star-burst wanes, cover the lens with your black card, but keep the shutter
open. As the next star-burst happens, uncover the lens, covering it again as the
star-burst wanes. Now you have two sets of fireworks superimposed on each other.
Get another and then close the shutter, which makes the camera ready for new
images. Now you can repeat the exercise as many times as you like. Get up to
four star-bursts on one exposure - any more than four and it gets too crowded in
the final print.
So there you have it. Shoot like the pros and get professional results you
will be proud of.