Chonburi to hold Buddhism
Week May 29-June 4
Chonburi will stage a week-long religious celebration
over the Visakha Bucha holiday to mark the 2,600th anniversary of Lord
Buddha’s enlightenment.
Deputy Gov. Pongsak Preechawit led the May 15 preparation meeting at
Piphitphokhai Hall for the Buddhism Week slated for May 29 to June 4.
The festival will feature three types of celebrations: religious ceremonies,
teachings and cultural activities. Nine events, including the Visakha Bucha
Walk-Run, were also scheduled. Other events include meditation, alms giving
to 55 monks, the ordination of 17 monks, presentation of funeral cloths to
charity and the usual Buddhist Lent “Wien Thien” ceremony and Dhammayatra
A Phraratanatrai prayer competition for Prathom- and Mathayom-level students
will conclude on June 2 at Charoendhamm Hall.
District-level celebrations will include the Thetmahachat activity and royal
exhibition starting from May 31 in Sattahip at Samakhee Banpot Temple, which
moves on to Paanthong District’s Khokthacharoen Temple June 1; Muang
Chonburi’s Wat Nok June 2; Nongyai’s Khaosok Temple and Bothong’s Omphanom
Wanaram on June 3; Phanasnikhom’s Natphrathat Temple June 4; and Phuthabat
Khaonangnom Temple, Bung’s Phuttamonthol Temple, Sriracha’s Khaodin Wanaram
Temple, and Banglamung’s Santitharawas Temple June 5. (CPRD)