A true gentleman.
Derek Franklin
Former World Champion snooker player, Ken Doherty, paid a second visit
to the Father Ray Children’s Home on Saturday afternoon, Aug. 30, to play pool
against the children, and everyone, children and workers, were very excited to
welcome him back to Pattaya.
One little ten year old boy was so excited to be meeting Ken again, and also
selected to play the first game against the former champion, that he was dressed
in his lucky waistcoat when he came down for breakfast.

Mr. Ken, and a very nervous ten
year old.
Last year Ken had given this young boy a few tips on how to
improve his game. Usually a lively boy who is full of energy and who never stops
running around the Home, waiting to meet Mr. Doherty saw him turn into a nervous
wreck whose legs almost turned to jelly as he presented a welcome garland.
After a warm welcome, the older boys gave an exhibition of Muay Thai before it
was time to chalk the cues and break the balls.

The boys were amazed at the skills
on show.
Mr. Ken, as he is now known to the children, proved he is a
true gentleman by putting his opponents at ease, giving them a chance to pot a
few balls, but also showing them why he is still one of the best players around;
they were amazed at his skill.
Ken Doherty left Pattaya to compete in the Six-Reds Snooker Tournament in
Bangkok before flying off to China for the Shanghai Open. But he will travel
back to Pattaya in August next year to participate in the inaugural Pattaya
Charity Snooker Open.
This new event will see four international and four Thai players compete against
each other, and snooker legends Steve Davis, Jimmy White, James Wattana and John
Higgins have all expressed a wish to play.
All proceeds from the tournament will be donated to the Education Fund at the
Father Ray Foundation.
More information can be found at www.fr-ray.org or email

This young lady beat Jimmy White
when he visited last year, but she just couldn’t pot the final black against