- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Bad traffic in Pattaya
Been there done that
Having a poke at knockers of whingers
Sleepless in Pattaya
Pattaya pigeon club
Necessity trumps integrity
Regarding the tower crane
accident at the
Cove construction site
Bad traffic in Pattaya
Open Letter to T.A.T. and Pattaya Police: I have travelled to 45 countries,
and over 200 cities, and the traffic in Pattaya is the worst I have ever
seen. Many tourists I spoke to said they would not return because of traffic
Why is the traffic very bad in Pattaya? The new road to Jomtien will not
make it better. E.G., now it takes only 5 minutes to go from Jomtien to Hiso
Hotel in South Pattaya, but it takes 30 minutes to go from Hiso Hotel to
North Pattaya. This long delay is because there is no traffic control in
Why don’t police control the traffic flow at Hiso Hotel, South Pattaya, V.C.
Hotel, Mikes Shopping Mall, etc.? This would help to make the traffic move
Also, there are too many private cars driving in Pattaya Second Road and
Beach Road. Most cars do not stop for shopping, as they are passing through
only, or just looking. They should use the bypass which is Sukhumvit Road,
and Pattaya Third Road. A toll charge of 50 or 100 baht could be charged for
private cars that want to pass on Second Road and Beach Road. This money
could be used to improve roads, etc., in Pattaya.
Peter Wilson
Been there done that
I find myself addressing the misguided individuals that need to justify in
their own minds their relationships with their Thai wives. I will not expand
on my relationship (only to say it is great), but to say that any
relationship is based on what you develop and communicate with each other.
To suggest that “ex bar girls” are better than “ex go-go” girls or that Thai
girls from “so-called” respectful employment are better only proves the
total lack of real understanding of Thai culture and relationships.
Thai girls all have the same thing in common; the need for a loyal husband,
understanding of family importance, support and mutual respect.
All of these will not ensure a successful outcome but will enhance your
chances. After owning a number of businesses in Thailand and still do, I
know that it does not matter what the girl’s background is but rather what
her situation is and her ability to manage it. I have employed bar girls and
professional girls and let me ensure anyone who is thinking I have got this
wrong both groups have demonstrated the same faults and benefits. I also
know many girls from the go-go clubs, and once again the same issues.
Before anyone put pen to paper these problems occur in any culture but once
again I believe if you manage the situation from start your chances of
success are good.
My experience, for what it is worth, after consoling many a customer from
broken relationships is that the common mistakes were:
1. Promising what they could not deliver.
2. Failing to understand her personal commitments.
3. Did not spend the 20,000 baht for a quick background check.
4. Did not agree to what the financial arrangements with her would be from
day one.
5. Did not consider her Thai needs when migrating to their country.
6. Encouraging her to mix with the “Thai crowd” in their home country.
7. No pre nuptial agreement.
This list might sound very businesslike but you are investing in someone who
if it goes wrong is likely to cost you a large amount of your investment
funds. If you clear all of this beforehand the path is clear for fun and
enjoyment as the uncertainly has been reduced.
Been there done that
Having a poke at knockers of whingers
Dear Editor,
Wasn’t Don Ward’s snipe at things that are allowed to go on in this country
more an excuse to have a poke at knockers of whingers about Thailand than
anything? He wasn’t about to miss opportunity to blow his own trumpet,
either. Aren’t we lucky to have his contribution to our society? Did he
donate out of the goodness of his heart, or because he gets from our society
what he can’t get from his own?
He is right that some things warrant complaint, but squeaky wheels do not
always get oiled. Some foreigners here keep a store of squeaks in their
head, so if one gets oiled they will have another to replace it. It is a
trait that seems integral to some cultures.
Thailand does not invade other countries and destabilise whole regions. Who
was shuffling papers instead of helping New Orleans residents after
hurricane Katrina? Thai greed did not cause the current worldwide financial
crisis that affects us all.
Here’s a little ditty for Thailand knockers. Instead of creaking if things
aren’t just fine, remember that our kisses are sweeter than your whine.
Pattaya Patty
Sleepless in Pattaya
I give up! Instead of turning to sleep I will join the crowd down in the
market area on South Pattaya Road and listen to the DVD man as he plays one
outrageous tune after another. Who knows, I might get to like his brand of
music and I will join the carnival-like crowd every night. The only drawback
is if I retire at 8 a.m. I am awakened by the teacher at the Buddhist school
who is on her mega speaker for the morning assembly. After that will come
more wat activities when huge megawatt speakers are moved into positions.
There must be a law to put a quietus on all this. Surely they are not trying
to get rid of tourists. If they are all they need do is say so and I and
others will move on. It is very convenient for us to live on So. Pattaya Rd.
if we have no car and we don’t add to the transportation mess.
Calls to 1337 don’t help. They promise to get in touch with the police, the
police evidently don’t know what the law is in regard to noise pollution so
they make no attempt to keep this reasonably quiet. Sorta make one wonder
who is in charge of noise abatement; the police or city hall.
Ray Standiford
Pattaya pigeon club
May I advise your readers about the newly-formed Pattaya Pigeon Club, which
now serves Pattaya, Jomtien, Naklua and Banglamung? Anyone, whether an
experienced fancier or just interested in taking up a different sort of bird
fancying as a new hobby, is welcome to join our club. Information is
available on local and national races, birds, feed, lofts, etc.
E-mail: pattayapigeonclub@ymail.com
Dave Staley
Necessity trumps integrity
I often concur with John Arnone, but to put the integrity of bargirls above
that of go-go girls (27th Nov) is like saying shoplifters are more honest
than burglars. All the girls are predators, as we all are, doing what we do
to get the best we can. The difference between most of us is the options we
have. Aging single men have few, like aging Thai women (who age much sooner)
or those from a poor background. There interests meet. I believe it is wrong
to judge a sex worker’s motives, not that a man raised on old retarded Anglo
sexual values, which encompasses most of us in Thailand, can ever get it
right. Women everywhere have always needed to serve through sex and
marriage, and as society forced them to be dependent.
The basic wage of a go-go dancer can be more than of a university graduate,
which provides options. A bar or service girl’s wage is subsistence level
and needs to be supplemented. Necessity trumps integrity anywhere. Whether a
girl is stripping or more, it says not that she has low morals but that she
can rise above the self-righteous opinion of others. It is fallacy that not
showing flesh is Thai culture, the aversion a hob-knob import from the 1930s
prudish West. Look at any old Thai-art community scenes, and you will see
that everyone was topless. Men with Isaan wives tend to think that Bangkok
and Pattaya are not ‘Thailand’, but they are in fact more representative
than up-country, where people are subject to small-town peer pressure. Once
away, their true self emerges. That again applies anywhere.
Only in recent times did marriage stop being the most common livelihood for
Western women and they became choosey - to survive they did not need to
attach to any man that would take them. That situation remains in Thailand,
where men do not have to marry to get sex. That means a woman has to be a
bit special to attract a Thai man of substance. The class structure means
that up-country girls with no education have few options. That is why many
are eager to hook a foreign man, largely seen as desperate and with deep
pockets. The former is our cultural legacy, but that’s another issue.
As for John Riggs’ love at first sight experience, some would say it’s a
self-deluding fantasy. Such people don’t know what they are talking about,
as they say the same when I tell about the fairies at the bottom of my
Regarding the tower crane
accident at the
Cove construction site
With regards to the accident which occurred at the Cove Condominium
construction site on November 17, 2009 as reported by various news media,
Petch Property Development Company Limited as owner and developer of the
project would like to inform all concerned about the incident to the tower
crane used in the construction of the building.
Powerline Engineering (Public) Company Limited, the main contractor
responsible for the construction of the building has completed all
structural work of the condominium and is presently working on the
architectural and interior finishing. Initially there were two tower cranes
used during the building process, of which one has already been dismantled
several months ago. The second tower crane was in the process of being
dismantled by the responsible crew when the counterweights dislodged causing
the crane to buckle and collapse. Reports from inspecting engineers by
Powerline Engineering (Public) Company Limited indicate that the crane
operators, SP Crane Operator Service was in the process of lowering the mast
of the crane and has shifted the counterweights to compensate the balance of
the crane when the accident occurred. The counterweights dislodged and fell
away causing an imbalance to the crane, and thus causing the boom of the
crane to buckle and twist, coming to rest on the construction elevator’s
main tracks located at the side of the building.
Petch Property Development Co., Ltd has notified Powerline Engineering
(Public) Company Limited to ensure that the necessary safety and
precautionary measures are taken and that no further incidences occur.
Petch Property Development Co., Ltd would like to apologize for the incident
and would like to take this opportunity to extend its condolences to the
families of the victims involved.
Sincerely Yours,
Itthi Chavalittamrong
CEO, Petch Property Development Co., Ltd

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