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 HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
2001 THA East athletic competition underway

Ed Trayling aggregates par with his Mam for top podium spot

Sign up now for the Canadian Jackalope Open

PSC begins moving into new office

PH3 Run 909

Fitness Tips

Herb & Mo take the honours at Siam

A Monday splash out

Charlie Chen triumphs for the first time

Riley birthday golf leaves many under the weather

The Square Ring

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2001 THA East athletic competition underway

The annual Thai Hotel Association Eastern Chapter (THA) Athletic Games were officially opened during a ceremony recently at the Banglamung School athletic field. Santsak Ngamphiches, consultant to the Minister of Science, Technology and Environment, presided over the opening ceremony.

The mayor enters playing field carrying the ceremonial torch at the official opening of this year’s Thai Hotel Association Eastern Chapter (THA) Athletic Games, as Santsak Ngamphiches (center) and Chachawal Supachayanon look on.

The games will continue through to August 26.

A large crowd of local dignitaries and guests of honor participated in the opening ceremony, including Pattaya mayor Pairat Suttithamronsawat, Chonburi MP Chansak Chawalit-Nittitham, and Ministry of Science advisor Chanyut Hengtrakul.

The cheerleaders were getting the crowd heated up.

The opening day activities included a special charity football game between two teams made up of local players. Just before the official ceremony the football champions from last year, the Royal Cliff Beach Resort defeated the football team from the City Hotel in Sriracha by a score of 4 - 0.

The ceremony began with a parade of THA members entering the field displaying banners in support of the nation’s anti-drug campaign. The president of the THA Eastern Chapter Chachawal Supachayanon announced the proceedings.

The mayor welcomes the celebrity team.

After Santsak Ngamphiches struck the gong, the mayor entered the field carrying a torch signifying the official start of the games. He also led onto the field the teams of celebrities who played in the charity football game. The game ended in a scoreless tie.

Rotarians from Pattaya, the Bangkok Chinatown Rotary Club and Toyota Industries are supporting this year’s games. Proceeds from the annual games, which end on August 26th, will be presented to the Ban Phoonsri Uppathum Drug Treatment Center in Pattaya.

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Ed Trayling aggregates par with his Mam for top podium spot

The weather stayed dry and windy for Shenanigans Pairs Aggregate Stableford competition at Eastern Star on Tuesday August 7th.

The Traylings, Ed and Mam were back in form (although rarely out of it playing most days) and managed 72 Stableford points, the only aggregate par return for the day.

Just a shot behind were the Father & Son Hartley Team with 71 points, and Alex collecting a near pin as well. The surprised Woodruffes took third place with just 65 Stableford points, Ray having obviously recovered some form after a reported recent lapse.

David Baker, visiting from Australia, claimed two near pins on holes eight and twelve, and the other on hole four went to Aree (‘Thai-Ger Line’) Arp.

Landlord Kim Fletcher sank the most amazing long putt on hole nine, and Harry Riley modestly claimed the eighteenth.

It was another friendly days’ golf, with the next outing scheduled for August 21st and a Mystery Pairs Stableford at home course Eastern Star. Sign-up at Shenanigans for that.

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Sign up now for the Canadian Jackalope Open

This year’s Canadian Jackalope Open will be held on Friday, September 7 at Phoenix Golf Course. The annual charity tournament is always fun, and therefore always full, so it is advisable to sign up now.

The entry fee is 1250 baht, with proceeds going to the Garunayawet Center for the elderly. Please deliver all completed entry forms & fees to The Haven on Soi 13. Entries close at 5.00 p.m. on Friday 31st August. Sign-up as a group of up to 4 players; individual entries will be assigned to a four-ball.

At press time, all the technical prizes hadn’t been sorted out yet, but there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, rabbits, ladies, senior & super senior division prizes as well as overall winner and technical prizes.

Note: Please book golf carts direct with Phoenix Golf Course. Payment must be made with entry. Field limited to 120 players. Starting times will be posted on Thursday 6th September.

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PSC begins moving into new office

The administration of the Pattaya Sports Club plans to move into the new office on Pattaya 3rd Road (next to Pattaya Driving Range) beginning this weekend, August 18 & 19, and will begin using the new office as of Monday, August 20.

The new office is located at 3/197 M6, 3 Rd. Road, Pattaya, Banglamung, Chonburi, 20150, adjoining the Pattaya Driving Range, phone 038-361-167, fax 038-361-929. To get there: Turn off the road as if entering the driving range but bear left - the building is straight ahead of you with a big sign in the front of it!

After the move is completed, all future “official” PSC business will be conducted there, such as PSC administrative functions, conferences, committee meetings and the computer club.

Perhaps most importantly for the general membership, registrations will be done in the new office, both for new members and renewals. Sign up facilities will still be available from the Cafe Kronborg on Soi Diana Inn, but the old office next to the Cafe Kronborg will be phased out in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, golf activities, etc., will continue unchanged from the normal outlets.

News on the ‘grand opening’ is coming soon.

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PH3 Run 909

story by the Badman

Well yet another Monday afternoon, it seems strange signing up at the Scandi Bar with Dr Pinky minus Fossil, was there confusion? Anyhow nice A-site situated near a small quarry. Everyone formed a circle and C Face informed everyone about the Care for Kids charity and how to donate to this, it was also mentioned that it was three years since Hash Groupie passed away. The GM Boy George (nice to see you back George) then called in the new shoes, and then he made it quite clear that we need someone to replace Fossil. The speech from Boy George went on for some time, all the eager hashers waiting to find out where the paper starts, but please no boxing George and Susie?

The hares then explained the run and off we went, great location up the hill and through the creek beds, quite a bit of hill climbing and some tricky checks and a lot of hashers again cutting across new tapioca fields, which I tried to avoid. Apart from that it was an excellent run. Front-runners were in after about 40 minutes.

After the run all the snacks and refreshments were provided. Where was Jeep and his wife with the hot dogs and bacon butties? Anyway, plenty of time to socialise and drink plenty of cold beer.

Form a circle the GM called and brought in Sir Chicken F to give a toast to Hash Groupie (R.I.P. Groupie you are deeply missed). Dr Pinky then did his usual raffle, whilst doing his raffle some Aussies were called in one by one including myself to sit on the ice for our great cricket win against the Poms. We also congratulated Sweetballs for his 450th Run and Slowfly for her 200th run, and a happy birthday to Uncle Fester 70th and Rottweiler’s 16th.

The hares were called on ice and the run was given ok. Well Spunk Bubble finally lost his hash s@#t hat; this was given to Festering Streaker for removing the hash signs causing Sir Airhead to arrive late for sign up. Red A and King Yao Yao were iced for hash crash during the run. A new name for Ash Stabler (Hannibal Lecter). Katoy A M on ice with his lady, she was then named Guardian Angel, also one of Spunk Bubble’s girls was named Road Runner.

The turn next of the hash choir including myself sang the song Coalminers in the sky. Well done Jazzer but where were all the uniforms he was asked afterwards whilst on the ice? Most of the choir forgot them he replied. Usual down downs for virgins and visitors, etc. Sir Chicken F iced Boy George for not giving him his proper title earlier in the circle. Hammer was iced and explained why he was now into older girls.

Next was the turn of the Germans Stupid K K and Crack House Kraut (Owner of Ruby’s) and he stated all hashers spending over 300 baht in his bar would get 10% discount if wearing a hash shirt. There must be a shortage of Farangs in town at the moment comes to mind! U B sat on ice with his son Benjamin, who was then named Hopalong. Charlie Manson was then called in to celebrate his 20th hared run T-shirt. Well done Mate!

Happy birthday FTT. Finally Jazzer and F Nose were iced whilst Streaker performed the C Face hit of the Sixties. The hash hymn was then done with all the Aussies in the middle, great circle; thank god the heavens didn’t open as it had the two previous nights. The happy hour was at TQ1, plenty of hot dogs and hot women for all, thanks TQ 1.

On-On A-H

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Fitness Tips: Why anything that comes from the sea - apart from chips - may be good for weight loss

The use of fish oils in weight control has caused some confusion amongst obesity experts. Now a San Diego researcher has come up with a possible answer to the conundrum: Why do some fish oils reduce body weight while others seem to have the same effect as other oils?

It’s well known that all fats and oils have the equivalent energy value of 9 calories per gram - irrespective of whether they’re saturated or mono or polyunsaturated. Therefore they should have equal effect in causing increases in body weight. But some fish oils have been found to reduce weight in both rats and humans compared to other types of animal fats and some fish oils.

It ‘s been thought that this may be because fish oils are oxidised (‘burned up’) more readily than other types of fats. That is, they go into fat cells as storage at the same rate, but come out to be used up more readily as energy than other types of fat.

Variations in seafood oils

The problem with this theory is that it doesn’t seem to apply to all fish oils. Studies that have used fish oil supplements to test the effects of these on heart disease have not noted any decrease in body weight as a side effect. Yet studies on rats and people where diets have been enriched with fish oil have shown that abdominal fat stores are not increased as much as with the equivalent amount of other animal oils.

The reason may be in the different type of oils in fish. One type of fat, called omega 3 fatty acids, otherwise known as eicosapentaenoic acids or EPA, is thought to increase the breakdown and usage of fats in the liver. This could mean a greater oxidation of fat in the body from sources when this type of fat is eaten.

But EPA makes up only a small proportion of fish oils (around 18%), although it may exist in different types of fish. According to one researcher in the area, special enriched fish oil concentrates of around 50% EPA may even have long term value if prescribed with other treatments for weight control.

Because of their effect on the making of extra glucose for energy in the liver, EPA enriched diets may also have some value in prolonged endurance type activities. While these theories are yet to be tested, it is feasible under the ‘do-no harm’ principle to suggest that:

1. Individuals watching their weight could benefit from a high seafood intake in preference to other meats, and

2. A significant intake of fish and other seafood may help performance in endurance athletes.

EPA supplements that are currently commercially available in pill form may be proven to have some value. At the moment though, the jury is still out, and there are concerns about the actual amount of EPA in commercial products (compared to that stated on the label).

Watch this space.

Carpe’ Diem

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Herb & Mo take the honours at Siam

PSC Golf from the Cafe Kronborg

Monday, August 6 - Green Valley (Stableford)

On Monday the Kronborg golfers headed to Green Valley. Damp conditions and slick greens combined to make it a testing round. Bob Morrison prevailed with 34 points, with Ebrahim taking second place with 33 points. Derek Brook took third place with 30 points.

Thurs, August 9 - Siam C.C. (Stroke)

On Thursday August 9 the Kronborg made the short but eventful trip up to Siam Country Club. Rob Brown’s clubs enjoyed two trips as the baht bus left Siam with them still on board. The clubs eventually returned but chaos was caused as the groups were shuffled to accommodate.

Out of the chaos came some good golf, Herb Ishinaga and Bob Moburg both shot 68s to win the A & B flights respectively.

Graham Davis took second place in the A flight with a 70, Rob Brown and his much-traveled clubs took third with a 71.

Paul Kraft (69) and Frank Sinclair (71) were second and third in the B flight.

Near pins: #4 Frank Sinclair and #12 Dene Munday

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A Monday splash out

PSC Golf from Three Sisters

A pretty good downpour left the golf course puddled for the PSC Three Sisters Monday morning outing on Monday 6th August. Unfortunately, the staff at Siam had given all callers a very pessimistic weather forecast, which caused a lot of players to miss an acceptable round. The only serious deficit was having to take a drop in the waterlogged bunkers leaving a less than desirable lie.

After watching the weather for a while only seven golfers decided to venture onto the course, a record for the Three Sisters. Most of the round was rain free until the fifteenth onwards when it set in again.

To alleviate some of the monotony, George Davis decided to launch a wedge into the trees adjacent to the tenth in a fit of pique. Realizing that he was down a valuable club he proceeded with a retrieval attempt resulting in a 3 iron keeping the wedge company out of reach up the offending tree.

The effects of the weather showed up on some of the scorecards but at the end of the day the bragging rights went to Gerry Carpenter with 40 points followed by Paul Kraft in second with 35 points. Bob Jess took the “Ugly Sister” award without serious competition.

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Charlie Chen triumphs for the first time

IPGC Pattaya Golf Society from the Bunker

On Friday, 3rd August, a very large field of Bunker Boys and Girls were joined by the lads from the Sugar Shack for their weekly medal competition, this time at the immaculate Bangpra International Golf Club.

Division two had Rehm Hans on net 73 with Rick Dumas and Sunny sharing first place with one under par 71’s.

Division one saw Ed McMurray on 71 in third spot, two shots behind the joint winners, George Meigh and Charlie Chen, on net 69. Charlie was to celebrate by restoring his hair colour to its natural shade!

Nearest-the-pin awards went to Ken Ince (2), Sunny and Neil Griffin. The beloved Bunker Banana Booby was initially awarded to John Preddy for his sixteen shots at the par-three twelfth hole but he had already fled the scene before the presentation. Instead they were awarded to the Sandman and Dr. Pinky who were both disqualified. The lucky draw was won by John Preddy but the redraw went to Dan Dan the Fireman.

The Transport Manager Motors to the Front

On Tuesday, 7th August the Bunker Boys travelled to Century Golf Club, Ban Chang, for their weekly Stableford competition, which coincided with Mr. Loy’s birthday! The course was in good condition despite all the heavy rain during the previous two days.

In fourth place came the birthday boy himself, Mr. Loy, with 34 points. Neil Griffin played to par, but George Meigh and the transport manager, John Preddy shared the honours on the day with 38 points each.

Nearest-the-pin awards went to Graham Davis, the Sandman, Neil Griffin and Mike Larsen. The Bunker Banana Booby was awarded to Neil Hughes for his unforgivable tantrum on the fifteenth hole, and Chris Coffey won the lucky draw.

Len lashes Sriracha

On Friday, 10th August, the Bunker Boys travelled to Sriracha for their weekly medal competition, which was divided into two divisions.

Division one had Bill Jones returning to the podium with net 75 and the winner, Bob Morrison, recording net 74.

Division two saw John Swanson and the transport manager John Preddy sharing second place with net 73, but the winner, with a net 67 - the only golfer to break par - was the Bunker website wizard Len Jones. Well done Len, and a deserved cut in handicap awaits you!

Nearest-the-pin awards went to Neil Griffin, Chris Coffey and Bill Jones. The famed Bunker Banana Booby was awarded to Mr. Loy for his 12 shots in a hazard, following his nine on the previous hole. Barry Jones won the lucky draw.

Follow the Bunker Boys at

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Riley birthday golf leaves many under the weather

IPGC TAGGS Golf from The Haven

Monday 6th August - Phoenix (Stableford)

1st: Harald Cranz, 45 pts
2nd: BJ Smith, 35 pts
3rd: Brian Kelly, 32 pts

On a day that was suffering from the after effects of the torrential downpour the night before, 4 dedicated sportsmen ventured out to play golf. The venue was changed due to the torrential rain still falling around Pattaya Country Club, a quick call to Phoenix was made and the golfers were told it was not raining there. Off they went to watch Dr Harry Cranz play some of the best golf of his career, walking off the course with 45 pts. BJ played well but could only end up a clear 10 points behind him. It obviously shows that it does not need to be dry to play good golf if you have the right handicap!

Wednesday 8th August - N.P. Hills (Medal)

1st: John Kendall, 73
2nd: Brian Kelly, 74
3rd: Graham Davis, 75
4th: Ossi Viljanen, 75

On the very demanding Hills course, the day was dominated by greens that proved to be as tough as their reputation. John Kendall and Brian Kelly, closely followed by Graham Davis and Ossi Viljanen mastered them better than most.

Jimmee Little, who averaged 4 putts, Trevor Schirmer 5 putts and Rupert Jeffrey 6 putts, could only wonder what the point was of getting to the green at all.

Rupert, in fact, also picked up on a few holes thinking the competition was Bogey, and he had lost the hole, only to discover at the end it was a medal and he could have saved some of the agony as he disqualified himself very early in the round.

Richard Livingston welcomed back old friends Thomas Nielsson, Zaki Nozaki, Rupert Jeffrey, Adam Twyford, Anders Farstadt, Klaus Schackt and Oradee Kaesavane to The Haven for the post competition the high jinks.

Friday 10th August - Green Valley (Bogey)

1st: Oradee Kaesavane, 2 up
2nd: Roland Piechocki, 1 up (cb9 +3)
3rd: Alex Hartley, 1 up (cb9 +2)
4th: George Jackson, All Sq. (cb9 A/S)
5th: Banjob Franklin, All Sq. (cb9 -1)
6th: Paul Hartley, (1 down)
7th: Graham Davis, (2 down)
8th: Harry Riley, (3 down)

The days’ competition was in honour of Wee Harry Riley’s birthday and most of the large field were obviously celebrating during the round as the scores on the day proved.

Oradee Kaesavane ran out the winner, closely followed by Roland Piechocki and the young (15 years old) Alex Hartley, who played with his dad and soundly beat him, much to the delight of Paul.

Oradee will be going down over the weekend whilst Klaus will be stumping up another 2000 baht for the pleasure. The party got into full swing on the return to The Haven, where Malcolm had laid on a feast of huge proportions, at which he also celebrated the end of his locum period, standing in for the Doc, who had been away for the last two weeks. One of the lesser prizes was an enormous and dubious bottle of Vodka, of very indeterminate alcohol volume. This went the rounds of the revelers and left most of them with a weak memory of how old Harry was or even if it was his birthday at all. But everyone agreed it had been a great day at the time and not one to have missed.

Richard Livingston welcomed Aaron Pierce and Stephen Rumming from the UK before sliding of his chair in the wake of the last Sangtip Coke and Vodka. Cheers.

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The Square Ring

by Howie Reed

Reports surfaced during the week that Don King was being held “hostage” by the Chi Comm’s for the 2 million dollars they spent on his ill fated heavyweight title fight. Guess boxing writers, experts who reside in “watering holes” and fans aren’t the only one’s that don’t believe the King “Cock and Bull Story” about a neck injury to John Ruiz. Maybe King will trot Ruiz out in a “Ted Kennedy Cervical Collar” to seal the deal. Best guess is that after a couple of days of King the Chi Comm’s will yell Uncle. How much can anyone take?

The JBC (Japan Boxing Commission) has suspended indefinitely Thai trainer Panya Prachakorn for “hurting the reliability of Japanese Boxing.” Prachakorn was suspended for “knowing” that Pichai Panita took the place of a “fat” No# 1 contender Singthon Nanonthachai against OPBF Champion Masakazu Satake. Thai boxing officials who admitted sending in the “ringer” got nothing. No suspension, no slap on the wrist no “Bad Boys don’t do that again”. Wonder if the vote was 8-7?

There’s a really big fight in Las Vegas Sunday morning Thailand time. David Tua (38-2, 33 KOs), who really disgraced himself when he had a shot at Lennox Lewis last November, has come full circle. He’s back in the hunt thanks to a division that could be labeled SNFU. Tua’s problem against Lewis was that he froze, couldn’t move and/or land a punch. Since then Joe Goosen has stepped in as the trainer in an attempt to cure those problems. In his first fight back in March he didn’t look much different when he KO’d “opponent” Darnell Nicholson. Tua has problems with fighters that choose to run rather than stand and fight.

Chris “Running” Byrd is the anti Tua. He runs, he ducks and puts people to sleep with his performance. Byrd’s claim to fame was that he held the heavyweight championship for six months last year thanks to Vitali “No Heart” Klitchico (27-1-0). Vitali was well ahead on points when he quit on his stool with an injured shoulder. In October of last year Byrd lost the title on a unanimous decision to “No Heart” Brother Wadimir (34-2-0).

Both fighters have met and lost to the best heavyweight that’s behind bars right now. Ike Ibeahuchi (20-0) had little trouble when he KO’d Byrd in 5 back in March of 99. This followed the war in Sacramento California that he had with David Tua, then 27-0, which resulted in a UD. Ibeahuchi has been declared competent to stand trail, so with the mental problems aside for now, he might be back in the ring. That would pose a problem for the current crop of Heavies as Ike would probably KO them all in one night without breaking a sweat.

If Tua can show that he is able to corner and whip a moving fighter he becomes “The Man” in a division desperately searching for an identity that doesn’t end up as a bad joke. Certainly the crop of Heavies isn’t much and Tua with a convincing win could again become the “TuaMan” a year after being disgraced. On the other hand if Tua proves he’s learned nothing he’ll be “bye, bye David” as in “Tuamangone”. Funny ole game is boxing.

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Updated by Chinnaporn Sungwanlek, assisted by Boonsiri Suansuk.
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