investigating officer inspects the area where the thieves broke in.
Boonlua Chatree
A pair of Indian tourists lost more than 70,000 baht
in cash and valuables when thieves broke into their South Pattaya hotel
Security at the four-star resort apparently never
heard burglars smash the first-floor window and ransack the room
belonging to Imran Haiber Haider, 38, and Bunden Kumar, 29. Police found
their two beds were strewn with sliced open luggage and the rest of the
room was in disarray.
Missing in the burglary was $700, 10,000 rupees, a
mobile phone, luggage and clothing, video camera, train ticket, ATM
cards and driving licenses.
Police are assuming the thieves knew the hotel
property well and had been casing the room to be sure they could break
in after the pair had left.