Police bring out for the cameras Ampol Saree
(left), accused of stealing the Yamaha Mio and electronic equipment
displayed in front of him.
Patcharapol Panrak
A routine traffic stop turned into a major burglary
arrest for Najomtien police who busted a suspiciously acting driver for
allegedly stealing hundreds of thousands of baht in electronics from
area homes.
Ampol Saree, 22, was pulled over March 1 after he
attempted to make a hasty getaway from a police patrol on Sukhumvit
Road. Police discovered the Yamaha Mio bike he was riding had been
reported stolen in the area and took Ampol back to his home for further
Inside the Srakaew native’s Huay Yai residence were 4
computers, three televisions, scanner, monitor, radio, speakers and a
luxury watch. Officers said Ampol confessed to stealing the items from
area homes to sell for money to purchase methamphetamines.
Ampol was charged with burglary and receiving stolen property.