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Graham Macdonald
MBMG International Ltd.
Nominated for the Lorenzo Natali Prize
It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world, part 2
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) analyses a
country’s debt by three categories - corporate, government and household. The
BIS did a report in September which showed that there were thirteen countries in
the developed world whose debt was beyond the threshold in at least two of the
aforementioned categories. Time was when markets could just worry about one or
two countries. Unfortunately, with the world edging towards a financial
precipice, those markets are now going to have to concentrate on many more
nations than usual as the numbers are just too large to contemplate.
The refinancing of certain countries will be amongst the biggest the world has
ever seen. Also, it should be remembered that this sum, whatever it ends up
being, does not include having to recapitalise the banks or cover future
payments such as pensions, etc.
Egan-Jones, a credit rating company, pointed out at the end of last year that
Greece could not support more than EUR40 billion in taxes and that is “why debt
holders are likely to face a 90% haircut… And unless trends reverse, Spain,
Italy and Belgium will follow.”
When this happens we will have the ultimate Catch 22. Will Germany allow the ECB
to print as much money as it likes thus allowing the weaker members of the
eurozone to pay off their debts? If they do then they will go against the German
Constitutional Court which will not allow it as it remembers the Weimar Republic
and what happened then. Also, the Bundesbank would be very much against it as it
does not think printing money is the solution as it would bring unwanted
inflation to Germany - something which is anathema to that country.
Thus, the choice is staring Germany in the face. Either, in the words of Nike,
“Just do it” and start printing money as fast as possible in the hope it can
save the Euro or, as Liam Halligan wrote recently, accept the fact that the
“Euro is an incoherent nonsense which, in its current form, is doing far more
harm than good.”
Behind the scenes there have been signs that some EU officials are preparing the
way for some of the weaker states to leave the eurozone and so reform the Euro
around a small but healthier group of countries. Admittedly, this would be
expensive but, in the long run, may be cheaper than trying to get the poorer EU
nations to follow a stricter fiscal and monetary policy a la Germany.
It is difficult to forecast what is going to happen from here on as politicians
are getting in the way of common sense. Given this, our best ‘guess-timate’ is
that the problems that are going on in Spain at the moment, and have already
happened elsewhere in Europe will only get worse and will occur in other
European countries. There will have to be, at least, a large scale restructuring
of the Eurozone based on Germany or preferably the complete dismantling of the
In summary, current indicators suggest that at the very best global growth will
be slow this year. There is a risk that the Federal Reserve will have another
drive to pour liquidity into the system to be followed by the ECB having to act
as lender of last resort. If this does occur asset prices will rise, but the
impact of such monetary ease on the real economy will be anaemic. It is likely
to be followed by a crash in late in 2012 or in 2013.
The more likely outcome is that the ECB continues to operate under the
Bundesbank mantra providing token relief to the weak members. Europe will remain
in recession. The US economy, despite any action by the Federal Reserve (pushing
on a string) will have very slow growth at best but will return to recession in
2013. Asia will be affected by banks in Europe having to raise capital together
with much reduced exports outside the region. And in China growth will be slower
so experiencing a reduction in exports. World industrial production will be very
weak with a recession in 2013.
This period will be fraught with danger as the world de-leverages after a
generation of governments promising more than they can pay for and in many
countries households borrowing more than they can afford. This is a bad enough
environment but it is made worse by society ageing in so many countries: there
will be far fewer workers to support retirees.
Professors Reinhardt and Rogoff have well documented what happens to economic
activity in their book, ‘This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial
Folly’: “The aftermath of systemic banking crises involves a protracted
contraction in economic activity and puts significant strains on government
resources.” More recently they add that you can’t get rid of debt quickly and
you cannot get rid of it nicely. The bullet has to be bitten meaning that debt
must be repaid rather than one institution lending to another so that the latter
can repay its debt.
To be continued…
The above data and research was compiled from sources
believed to be reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its
officers can accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the
above article nor bear any responsibility for any losses achieved as a
result of any actions taken or not taken as a consequence of reading the
above article. For more information please contact Graham Macdonald on
[email protected] |
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