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Middle aged woman dies mysteriously

Ms. Saisunnee Korngngern, a 48 year old street vendor, was found deceased in her home at the Suk Em Housing Project. Police estimated that she had been dead for no less than 15 days. There were no signs of a struggle and from examination of the body, foul play is not suspected.
Police were informed of the death by neighbours. Upon arrival at the scene, police and the Sawang Boriboon Foundation found the doors to the woman’s home were locked, and needed to use a crowbar to gain access. Once inside, they found the deceased lying on the floor, with a compliment of neighbours peering in at the scene through doors and windows.
Police later found out that the woman had previously been married several times, as she was beautiful for her age and had white skin, but none of her husbands would take care of her. She was deeply in debt and depressed, so she began drinking heavily and spending all day in her house. After a time, she went to work in a beer bar. On the day of her death, she had apparently finished work and come home in a tipsy state. Nobody saw her for 15 days afterward, and didn’t check on her until a fetid miasma began emanating from the house.
The body was sent to the coroner for autopsy before religious rites are held.

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