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 CURRENT ISSUE  Vol. XIX No. 26 Friday
 1 - July 7, 2011
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Improvisation can be fun

Improvisation is often considered to be acting spontaneously or with imagination. It also can be fun as members and guests learned at the Pattaya City Expats Club meeting on Sunday, June 5, at the Amari’s Tavern by the Sea restaurant. Lisa Safran from Improve Consultants, a San Francisco based company, while visiting friends in Pattaya brought her charming self and expertise to demonstrate how improvisation can be used to promote communication, active listening, creativity, and building trust.

New to the microphone is member Pat Koester, to run the Open Forum of the PCEC meeting. In the Open Forum you may find solutions to the many questions that arise when living in the ‘Land of Smiles’.

After the usual opening announcements, Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg introduced Lisa, a former Pattaya expat. Lisa’s presentation, “Improvising Life,” involved a fun and interactive experience for everyone. After many years as a classroom teacher and many more years as a performer, Lisa has combined these two areas of expertise into engaging workshops that she presents around the globe. She also recently authored the book, Reading and Writing Come Alive: Using Improvisation to Build Literacy.

Lisa started by mentioning that she was on Krabi in 2004 when the Tsunami hit. Fortunately, she was not injured, but came to the realization that there were things she wanted to do in her life, such as do more with her music, write a play, and live overseas. She said that she has since substantially achieved those goals. In 2005 she lived in Thailand, teaching at a local international school where the children were from all over the world. It was there that she started using improvisation to aid in the learning process. By introducing some games she inspired the children to get to know one another and to become involved.

Since then, she has gone on to form her own company, Improvisation Consultants, which uses improvisation workshops for corporations and organizations to help their employees get to know each other better, which leads to better understanding and communication. Too often in the business world, people may work close together, but are often isolated in their little cubicle and really don’t interact that much. By introducing some “games” that all join in doing and involve improvisation, it builds better communication, understanding, and mutual appreciation.

Lisa Safran from Improve Consultants, a San Francisco based company, demonstrates to Pattaya City Expats members and guests how improvisation can be used to promote communication, active listening, creativity, and building trust.

Without further ado, Linda invited everyone to join in some games, not to be shy, and assured them they would find it a fun experience. She started by asking everyone to get up and just walk around, then she would call out a number and they should form groups of that number and identify themselves using an adjective such as lovely Lisa. This process was repeated with Lisa calling out a different number for new groups to form and share what was their favorite thing about living in Pattaya. This was followed by more interactive games involving various numbers of participants. Lisa pointed out that these types of game are a good warm up by meeting new people. These warm up exercises were followed by several more such as pairing up and one person telling the other about their entire life in 60 seconds then having the other person repeat it back to them in 30 seconds; a great way to improve communication and listening skills.

Another game was telling one word stories. This involved a group telling a story; but each person could say only one word of the story. So, one started with one word, the next person had to continue the story by saying another word, and on to the next person and next, again with each saying only one word to continue the story. Lisa concluded by thanking everyone for participating and opened it up for questions. There were several, but there were also some comments; one member said, “I don’t think I have ever had this much fun at a meeting.”

Richard Silverberg then updated everyone on upcoming events and called on Pat Koester to conduct the always informative and often humorous Open Forum where everyone has an opportunity to ask and answer questions, recommend a good restaurant or movie, or sometimes tell a joke.


Mercy moves in Pattaya

Mercy Kids, dressed in pink and smiling at the prospect of a new home.

Lyndy Moore Eggleton

Pattaya’s own NGO (charity), Mercy Center, this year celebrates a decade of caring for the poor, abused, misused, abandoned and orphaned people of Pattaya. To help celebrate, the Mercy offices are moving into Pattaya City this June, marking a milestone as the administration building opens in Duck Square, by Big C South, Soi 1 from Pattaya Tai.

A contractor works to finish the tiles in the Mercy House girls bathroom.

Having got this far Mercy needs more professional help and a helping hand from our readers by way of in-kind donations. In particular, an intercom system (the office is on four floors… long way to shout), lockable cabinets to house the increasing number of files of private & confidential paperwork provided by the authorities for “at risk” children who come into Mercy Care, and a work station for a new member of the volunteer team who needs an up-to-date PC with all the accoutrements in order to maximize results in the marketing and public relations corner.

It’s not just Thai children that benefit from the big hearts of Dianne and Fred Doell, Mercy Center directors, and their hard working staff and volunteers; Mercy Center folks open the door to those in need. So, it’s great to know that their office has become more accessible (previously in Nong Yai Soi 8). The Mercy Center Children’s Home is moving, too, and the Mercy children will move out to enjoy the countryside and the purpose built house.

It’s a big job finishing the grouting in the new Mercy House kitchen.

Mercy Center currently provides a home and loving care for twenty high risk children with a new facility for a further thirty almost completed. The Mercy/Pattaya Street Kids scholarship initiative provides funding to enable over 220 students to attend school and the slum support project provides basic foodstuffs and essentials for seventy families in Pattaya’s poorest areas.

Mercy Center supporters have raised the funds to build the house and now we’re asking you, our readers to help to make the Mercy House a Mercy Home. A full list of “Needs” and “Wishes” is available by visiting Mercy offices in Duck Square or by emailing: mercypr.lyndy

Meanwhile, if you’re not hoarding office equipment, here’s another way you can help Mercy Center, by pledging cash or in kind, any of the following “Needs” for their beautiful new kitchen. There are restaurants/bars out there with “surplus to their needs”. Please make it work for those who truly need. You’ll be glad you did!

Needs for the new Mercy Center
Children’s Home Kitchen

* Hobs (2)

* Large double oven

* Microwave oven

* Large double door refrigerator

* Stainless steel cooking pots + pans

* Large draining boards or trays

* Water cooler

* Storage cabinets for all cooking & serving items

* Storage cabinets for all dishes, glasses, cutlery, etc.

* Storage cabinets for all food supplies

* Assorted other crockery for salads/serving, etc.

To donate please call Dianne on 080 054 3287 and to find out how you can help support any of the Mercy Center projects email: mercypattaya & visit: www.

Mercy Center Offices, Moo 10-565/55, Duck Square, Soi 1, Pattaya Tai, (next to Smile Dental)

Brainforce exec outlines offerings at German-Thai chamber meeting

Elite group with (from the left) German Consul Dr. Paul Strunk, club president Rolf-Dieter Daniel, Monika and Eberhard Podleska, Vicky Strunk and Dr. Ramin Yachkaschi.

Peter Weinkelter

Thailand’s top executive with Zurich-based Brainforce International, speaking at the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce’s latest meeting, showed how foreign businesses can set up new distribution channels, dealerships, and service operations.

Sukhavichai Dhanasundara, country manager for the Swiss consulting and employment service, said Brainforce doesn’t only offer advice, like many consultants, nor simply supply staff. He told those attending the May 20 “Stammtisch” session at the Moon River Pub, “(the company) delivers clear results by fulfilling corporate needs.”

Brainforce, he said, assists firms in setting up distribution channels and dealerships, sales and service operations, planning, organizing, manning and operational setup and commissioning of offshore facilities.

Sukhavichai found considerable interest among chamber members who posed numerous questions. With the business-talk done, the chamber members adjourned to enjoy the buffet. Following the meal, Moon River’s Power Jam Band played for those assembled.


HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Improvisation can be fun

Mercy moves in Pattaya

Brainforce exec outlines offerings at German-Thai chamber meeting


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