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 CURRENT ISSUE  Vol. XIX No. 26 Friday
 1 - July 7, 2011
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Mail Bag

From Bangkok to Jomtien Beach


The Pollution Solution Group had the honor of meeting 2 lovely smart young ladies on holiday from Bangkok with their family at Jomtien Beach, Sunday morning June 26.
Ms. Chalita Sangbhao, 10 years old, grade 4, was playing on the beach and saw the Pollution Solution Group removing dangers from the beach and water. She stopped playing and started to also remove things like plastic, styrofoam, bottle-caps, cigarette-butts, camera-batteries and other man made dangers that can kill, make ill or hurt children, sea life and contaminate our ocean. Then Ms. Fah, 6 years old, appeared and started to remove litter.

We gave both of them some literature and thanked them and their mother for their priceless help and how well she educated her children to pick up after themselves and others, making Mother Earth a safer, cleaner place for all to live. We wish more parents would teach their children the same.

The Pollution Solution Group

KOTO Keeper Of The Ocean

Defending vegetarians

Dear Editor:

In defending vegetarians who are a minority, Steve Gordon notes that people who believed the world was round were also once a minority (Mailbag, June 24).

It should also be noted that Americans who supported racial integration were once a minority. Even Abraham Lincoln who was only mildly opposed to slavery was staunchly opposed to integration between whites and blacks.

Whether we are talking about human rights or animal rights, it has always been a small minority of people who lead the way in bringing about change and justice. And thus I am proud to be a part of the vegetarian minority.

Eric Bahrt

Pattaya to add sludge tanks to stinky city trash trucks


I am slightly confused by the heading to the article which goes on to say, “Each of the 20 trucks Pattaya owns and the 30 operated on behalf of the city by Invest Management Co. are (already) equipped with water tanks to catch the myriad of pungent liquids seeping out of trash bins. During the rainy season Panot Sabsang, Pattaya’s director of resources and environment said rainwater gets into garbage cans largely he says because residents neglect to cover their bins.” Could someone inform Panot I have never seen a lid on any of the garbage bins in my travels around Pattaya, and most of the garbage bins I see would not be out of place in South African slum townships.

Perhaps, like the director of roadwork in Pattaya, he should get out of his office occasionally and have a good look at what’s actually happening on the ground. Pattaya 2nd Road is a good example of why those responsible for the long running fiasco should be given the sack instead of the well paid ‘Inactive Posts’ they obviously enjoy.

The losers in all this are the businesses who have been forced to close because of City Hall’s incompetence on that particular long-running project.


MP candidate


Don’t need a fortune teller, because I have a constant battle with dogs on my bicycle, and owners do nothing. Maybe if he gets in he will remember and do something about the dog problem in Pattaya/Jomtien. And if I do get bitten, who’s going to pay for the doctor?

Matt Jomtien

No booze for 3 weekends


What is the election commission thinking, banning alcohol for 3 straight weekends? This has got to be hurting tourism, and just when more tourism is needed. But aside from the tourists wanting a weekend piss-up, the bar owners must be livid. I can understand closing the bars on the day of the election, but not for two straight days, and Saturday and Sunday no less.

One thing has come to light, though, and that is the ban of alcohol sales between 2 and 5 every afternoon. Since the bars were closed and I was forced to play on the Internet on Saturday night, I finally found the first slightly understandable explanation for this. A while back, it seems, there was a big problem with workers drinking on the job, in factories and such. I suppose the 2 to 5 p.m. ban was to make sure those workers couldn’t get pissed in the afternoon. This might have worked for a week or two, but the true alcoholics probably would then just stock up before 2 p.m. If anyone has a better idea about why this law is still enforced, I’d like to hear it.


Crash Bailey

Election safety & security advice

BCCT Safety & Security Group

The Pattaya Mail received the following from the British Chamber of Commerce Thailand Safety & Security Group:

The upcoming July 3rd national election is the first national vote in Thailand since December 2007 when the military returned government control to the Civilian Leadership. As most of us have witnessed since December 2007, Thailand has experienced three and a half years of civil unrest which included three prime ministers, airport seizures, killings in Bangkok CBD and the worst outbreaks of political violence in Thailand’s democratic history.

The run up to the election has seen a few sporadic acts of violence, to include assassinations and attempted assassinations of selected candidates, and a number of rallies in Bangkok CBD but overall no major demonstrations or civil eruptions are anticipated prior to the election. Over 90,000 police officers will be assigned to ballot polls on July 3rd to ensure all procedures in counting are met. The Election results will be broadcast during the evening of July 3rd.

Many suspect the elections will not end the political stalemate. The process of forming a Government, which could well involve the usual ‘horse trading’ whereby the smaller parties form allegiances so as to create a majority in Parliament, will be a tense period. Even when a Government is formed it is very possible that the losers will protest. Thus July must be seen as a period of rising tensions and increased risk, especially in Bangkok. The concern is that once again there will be large-scale civil unrest, rallies, and disruptive parades attempting to bring Bangkok to a halt. Sporadic shootings and low-scale bombings have accompanied such events in the past.

It is not prudent to plan only for what we have experienced in the past; e.g., airport and BTS station seizures, parades along predictable routes, etc. We need to consider as well what has not occurred and view these types of incidents as likely should civil unrest erupt again - a few possibilities are kidnappings or hostage taking of prominent persons, seizing an occupied building such as a shopping center (during business hours) or hotel, the use (or threat to use) explosive devices in built up areas.

There are certain actions which can be taken now to make us better prepared should July prove to be a ‘difficult’ month:

1. Update your business continuity plans and, if you have one, test your alternate office systems and arrangements.

2. Update your communication plans, your telephone / email alert trees and systems... can you contact all your staff and advise them of any changing circumstances affecting the work place?

3. Revise your command chain, who will be the decision makers and are they immediately available, is there a ‘duty roster’?

4. Revise your travel plans, and those of any visitors coming to the country.

5. Revise your ‘lock down’ and access control procedures, do you have the ability to secure your building so as to physically deny people access?

6. Up-to-date information is key. We need to make sure our people are not caught up in any incidents by being in the wrong place at the wrong time; do you have the ability to monitor local TV, radio and internet?

7. Potential strangleholds of transportation networks will impact employees being able to access their workplace or persons to move freely about the city... are there any key transport hubs on which you rely and are there alternatives?

8. As usual avoid all large gatherings and demonstrations and not be unduly alarmed by a noticeable heavy security force presence.

9. Update and practice any evacuation plans.

10. Speak with your security provider - what surge capability do they have?

11. Above all be flexible and prepared to react as and when required.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

From Bangkok to Jomtien Beach

Defending vegetarians

Pattaya to add sludge tanks to stinky city trash trucks

MP candidate bitten by dog

No booze for 3 weekends

Election safety & security advice

Letters published in the Mailbag
of Pattaya Mail are also published here.

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