City Hall spends 3.1 million baht on beach sandbags to prevent beach erosion
City-owned backhoes install large sandbags - each
one 15 meters long, 4 meters wide and a meter thick - at the entrance to Pattaya
Beach at the intersection of Beach and Central Roads. The 3.1 million baht
project is another attempt by city officials to prevent beach erosion during the
rainy season.
Beaches full of foreign
laborers a harbinger for AEC
A sign of things to come could be found on Pattaya-area beaches on Labor
Day, where large numbers of Burmese, Cambodian and Laotian laborers
could be found in the umbrella chairs.
Sheraton Pattaya appoints Jack Yoss director of culinary & service
Sheraton Pattaya Resort has appointed Jack Yoss as their
new director of culinary & service. He now leads the
operation of three venues and oversees the food &
beverage, culinary and service team. Continued
Brendan Daly (4th right), GM of the Amari Pattaya,
hosted Nethnapada Kanrayanon (4th left), Miss Tiffany Universe 2013 and the
lovely contestants in the Miss Tiffany Universe 2014 beauty pageant at the
Tavern by the Sea Restaurant & Pub recently.
Gasson’s swan-song overwhelms sailors
at 10th anniversary Top of the Gulf Regatta
At the awards
ceremony for the
Ocean Marina’s
10th Top of the
Gulf Regatta,
held on the
fore-shore of
the marina last
week, Willian J
Gasson (Bill),
the founder and
director of the
event for the
past decade,
announced his
retirement - his
own “swan song”-
so to speak, at
the helm of the
regatta. Continued