A villager points to the
area where he and others spotted 3 crocodiles.
Patcharapol Panrak
The neighborhood alert went up when Plutaluang residents spotted
three crocodiles in a local canal.
The crocs were spotted in the drainage canal that runs from the
Plutaluang Golf Course to the sea. Local fishermen said that the
reptiles were spotted near the tunnel that runs under the road, which is
approximately 1 meter wide. They swam and hid themselves in the tunnel
after being spotted and didn’t show up again.
Plutaluang Sub-district Chief Sumet Siripan said locals tried to lure
the crocodiles out with chickens, but that didn’t work and no one was
brave enough to venture closer to the tunnel. So officials will wait
until the crocs are seen again and call the Department of Forestry and
the Sawang Viroj Foundation to capture them.
It is believed the crocodiles escaped from a local farm, as they never
have been seen naturally in the area before.