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Suspect arrested in last week’s murder/rape

Police have arrested Banyat Sirireung, a 24 year old native of Khorat, for his involvement in last week’s rape and murder of an as yet unknown 35- 40 year old Thai woman who was left naked, face down in front of a shack on the edge of a watermelon field on Pattaya-Jomtien Road.
From initial investigations, police learned that the shack where the murder occurred was a gathering place for young people who often had drinking parties and sexual trysts. Officers found a used condom near the spot of the murder and many more inside the shack. Police surmise that this was also a place for surreptitiously using illegal drugs.
Banyat was employed as a room-boy in a hotel located near Jomtien Beach and the site of the crime. After initial investigations, a squad of officers found him sleeping in another shack near the murder site, from which he was taken to Pattaya Police Station for interrogation.
From questioning, police learned that the murder had taken place at approx. 3:00 a.m. Banyat said he and a friend he referred to as Manu Sangthong, 25, had been drinking in the shack and conspiring how to mug people in order to get spending money. After they had finished the liquor, Manu went out to buy more, but returned empty handed. He was upset that there was no liquor to be found, so he took out the gun he was carrying and fired one shot into the air. He then threw the gun onto the ground near the murder site.
Banyat told police that it was then that the unfortunate victim happened to pass by. Manu grabbed her with the intention of robbing her, but she had no money or valuables. He then told her to remove her clothing with the intention of raping her. When the victim resisted, Manu stabbed her once with a fruit peeling knife in the abdomen. She collapsed and he took her cloak and strangled her until she was still, and then raped her.
Banyat told police he did not participate in the rape, but he did watch. When he and Manu discovered that the woman was dead, they fled the scene, stomping on the corpse’s back before leaving.
Banyat had no money and didn’t know where to go, so he hid in another shack where he was found by police.
Police later found an illegal gun in a grassy area near the murder sight which had an empty bullet casing in one of the cylinders. The tamping had fallen on the ground. Police collected all as evidence.
From the evidence gathered officers now think that there were no less than 3 people involved in the murder of the woman, and do not believe Banyat’s testimony stating he was not involved in the rape. Police are holding Banyat on charges and are looking for Manu.
Police informed reporters that both men had just been released from prison after serving terms for robbery and drugs.

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