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Young wife of wealthy businessman falls to suspicious death

Suspicious circumstances surround the death of Chanatip Jonmonton, 21, who plummeted from the 37th floor of the Beach Condominium in Naklua.
Police were called to the scene, and finding only bloodstains in the small woodland behind the Condo, they learned that relatives had taken the woman to the Bangkok-Pattaya hospital where she was pronounced DOA.
Upon questioning her husband, Mr. Supachai Jonmonton, 33, a well to do building contractor, he admitted that he had been at the scene the whole time. He told police that the incident happened just after they had a quarrel after returning home from the cinema. He said his wife had stormed out onto the balcony, and he had followed her in order to clear up the misunderstanding. When he didn’t find her, he feared she had fallen. Shocked, he rushed downstairs and found the body of his wife in the woodland area. He rushed her to the hospital, but to no avail. She died on the way.
Reporters say that when they interviewed Supachai, his behaviour was suspicious and his explanation did not match the one given to police officers. He told reporters that he and his wife were “playing” on the balcony, and that she had leaned against the 80 centimetre high railing and lost her balance, tipping over backward before he could catch her.
People outside the building said they had seen the woman enter the building alone, which does not agree with the testimony that the couple had gone to the cinema together. A few moments later, when they heard that someone had fallen, they rushed to see and found it was the same person they had seen only a moment ago.
The police have logged the death as a jumping suicide, and have requested that reporters not report this incident as it would reflect badly on Mr. Supachai, who is the head of the board of directors of a large construction company in Pattaya. The police also requested that the husband take the body to the temple as soon as possible.
Upon learning of her death, relatives did not believe it was a suicide as she had only been married to Supachai for three months. They believe there is some mysterious reason behind the death. They said that Supachai was very jealous as his wife was very young and pretty and still liked to go out and boogie as all 21 year old people do. They told reporters that Supachai kept her penned up in the condominium and was constantly upset at her sneaking out for evenings on the town. They believe that this caused a quarrel which somehow led to her death.

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