Atthapol Pattsiri and Jittima
Yoosricharoen have been arrested for trafficking narcotics.
Patcharapol Panrak
Sattahip police arrested a Rayong government worker and son of a wealthy
local garage owner for allegedly trying to sell off their stock of 6,600
methamphetamine tablets.
Atthapol Pattsiri, 24, and Rayong municipal worker Jittima Yoosricharoen, 23,
were captured in a Nov. 17 sting operation. Police set up a fake drug buy for
1,000 ya ba tablets on the side of Sukhumvit Road in front of Nem Maprok Temple
in Ban Chang.
After the 1,000 pills were seized, police said Atthapol confessed that the
couple had another 5,600 tablets buried under a tree in Rayong.
The two reportedly had been dealing drugs for the past two months and delivering
large supplies of pills for a local dealer.