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Honest baht bus driver receives award

Mr. Lert Pholtaptim, driver of bus number 356, became a shining example of honesty and integrity when he turned in a bag to the Tourist Police which had been left on his bus. The bag contained thirty thousand baht in cash and many valuable documents, which the Tourist Police were able to return to its rightful owner on October 12th.
When his honourable deed was reported to the Tourist Police Headquarters in Bangkok, Lert was invited to come and personally receive a plaque of appreciation and honour from the Commander of the Tourist Police.
Lert is now a member of the Volunteer Tourist Aid Society, an organisation instituted initially by the Ministry of the Interior and other arms of the government to help tourists both in well known tourism areas and in more isolated parts of the country.
There are approximately 500 volunteers in Pattaya from all sectors of society, and the Tourist Police appreciate the time they have donated to help improve tourist safety and convenience. Their reward is the feeling of being a host and helper to tourists and not an exploiter.
Mr. Lert set a good example for all, as he has helped show that being a good citizen brings great honour and face to the Thai people and Pattaya. In Thai this is called Nam Jai, which could be translated as ‘heart essence.’ It means giving to or doing for others without wishing for anything in return.

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