Chatchawal Supachayanont (4th
right) presents first prize to the Food, Beverage and Catering Department
Montree Kotchawong
Eight departments at the Dusit Thani Hotel squared off to
see which group was the “greenest” as the resort prepares to enter a global
environmental convention.
The July 13 “Go for Green Exhibition” had each of the
Dusit’s major departments prepare an exhibit showcasing their environmental
conservation efforts. The Food, Beverage and Catering Department won for
being the most environmentally friendly.
Also contending were departments covering engineering,
administration, sports and information technology, the kitchen staff,
laundry, and reception and sales.
In addition to determining which group would represent
the Dusit Thani Pattaya at the Asian Green Leaf conference July 27-29 at
Dusit Thani Bangkok, the contest also helped to educate hotel staff and
guests about conservation and encourage recycling.