Woman robbed, left naked in East Pattaya
Boonlua Chatree
A bargirl was robbed and left naked on an East Pattaya roadside
after servicing a customer in the woods.
The unnamed woman sought help and clothes from a security guard near
Aekmhongkhol Village on Soi Chaiyapruek 4 Dec. 1.
She told police she had been on her way to work at a Pattaya bar when a Thai
man on a motorbike stopped to proposition her for 1,500 baht. She agreed and
the two went to a secluded location for oral sex.
When they were through, the man shouted that someone was coming, surprising
the woman, who jumped for her clothes. The suspect took the opportunity to
ride off with half her garments and her purse, containing 9,000 baht and two
smartphones worth about 30,000 baht total.
The security guard said it was not the first time young men had targeted
women traveling alone for robbery.