Snow forecasted for Pattaya
this Christmas
The weather forecast for midnight 24 December in the area of the Park at
the Royal Cliff Beach Resort is snow flurries with possible
accumulations of up to 1 inch in higher elevations. Alois Fassbind,
Exec. Vice President of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort, has imported two
snow makers to produce actual snow which will fall during Midnight Mass.
Monsignor Jan Pawlowski of the Vatican Embassy will say mass. Christmas
music will be sung by the Pattaya Orphanage Choir. The park will be lit
by a host of twinkling fairy lights, and the pealing of bells from
famous Cathedrals in Europe will ring into the night, while a herd of
lambs will add authenticity.
The ‘White Christmas’ starts at 23:45, all are welcome. The collection
will be donated to the local Parish.