His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great on
Saturday urged Thais to take the flood crisis as a lesson to remind them
to be sensible, live prudently and always be prepared to respond to
unexpected circumstances.
Apart from delivering his 2012 New Year’s message to
the people, HM the King also gave a New Year’s card to Thai subjects
which showed a photograph of HM the King with his beloved pet dog, Khun
Thong Daeng, lying down on the floor by his chair.
In his traditional New Year’s televised address
broadcast Saturday night, Dec. 31, HM the King thanked Thais for
celebrating his seventh-cycle birthday properly and gracefully on
December 5.
HM the King said the country’s general situation was
normal until the second half of the year when Thailand faced a flood
crisis which affected people in many provinces and the disaster was a
most severe crisis.
He said the disaster should be an important lesson
for all Thais.
HM the King said that throughout one’s entire life,
everyone would experience agony, peril and obstacles, and that no one
could experience only happiness. Therefore, everybody should prepare
themselves, and be ready to tackle, resolve and respond to unfortunate
incidents or hardships that they would encounter in their lives.
They should face such unusual incidents with
prudence, sensibility, rationale and unity, he said.
HM the King urged that during this New Year, Thais
should be prudent, sensible and perform their duties with
responsibility, which would eventually help them to be successful and to
help nation to be prosper.
He also blessed all Thais to have happiness in the
year of 2012.
In his traditional New Year card this year, HM the
King appeared in a photograph on a chair with his pet dog “Khun Thong
Daeng” lying down on the floor by his chair on his left-hand side.
On the left side of the card was a quotation from his
book, “Phra Maha Chanok”: “Although I cannot see the coast, I must keep
swimming in the ocean because nothing can be achieved merely through
thinking.” On the right side of the card, his message says: “May you be
blessed with happiness and prosperity in 2555” in Thai and “Happy New
Year 2012” in English. (MCOT)